Full Record

Natural science - Miscellaneous expeditions 1922-1953. Part 2
Record no:
16. Copy of letter from C. Anderson to Battye: fishes collected by Australian Antarctic Expedition now in possession of Australian Museum,duplicates available for distribution if WA Museum would like : Notothenia macrocephala, Notothenia coriiceps, Trematomus bernachii,  Harpagifer lispinis, Trematomus scottii, Prionodraco evansii, Lycodichthys antarcticus, Pleurogramma antarcticum, 6 Mar. 1923, 2 p.

17. To Battye from C. Anderson at Australian Museum, about fishes collected by the Australian Antarctic Expedition - received no reply to earlier letter so encloses above copy, 5 Jul. 1923, 1 p.
18. To C. Anderson from Battye re lost letter, and would like to receive duplicate fish specimens, 16 Jul. 1923, 1 p.
19. To Battye from C. Anderson sending specimens of fishes, locations available from Edgar R. Waite's report, 9 Aug. 1923, 1 p.
20. To C. Anderson from Glauert sending thanks from Museum Trustees for the donation of fish from the Australian Antarctic Expedition, 20 Dec. 1923, 1 p.
21. To Battye from Wilson B. Sinclair: offering his services as a field collector, also offering to sell a specimen of Petrogale purpurecollis, 1 Dec.1926, 1 p.
22. To Wilson B. Sinclair from Battye asking for more details of a proposed expedition, 24 Dec. 1926, 1 p.
23. To Glauert from A.R.E. Russell of Landor Station via Meekatharra: invitation to Glauert to come and stay, best time being after a big rain. Both he and Hughes Hallett (laymen interested in science) would like Glauert as their guest, 25 Feb. 1927, 1 p.
24. Letter to A.R.E. Russell from Glauert, thanking him for invite, would like to visit next year, 11 Mar. 1927, 1 p.
25. To W. J. Dakin, Liverpool University, from Battye: asks for details of specimens collected on the Percy Slade expedition to the Abrolhos, sent to Liverpool and never returned, also mentions the recent Hackett Bequest for research and wishes Dakin in Australia to take advantage of it, 18 Jan. 1928, 1 p.
26. From E.O. Marks to the Director, about the Great Barrier Reef Expedition, enclosing a detailed memorandum of the scientists and researchers listed and their interests, 4 Apr. 1928, 3 p.
27. To E.O. Marks from Battye regretting the Museum has no funds to join the Great Barrier Reef Expedition, but U.W.A. might have a science graduate wishing to take up the opportunity, 30 Apr. 1928, 1 p.
28. To Battye from E.O. Marks telling him that Aubrey Nicholls B.Sc. will be joining the Great Barrier Reef Expedition, 18 May, 1928, 1 p.
29. Letter to A.R.E. Russell from Glauert re. proposed trip to the Gascoyne, it has been authorized by the Trustees, 18 Mar. 1929, 1 p.
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