Full Record

Shirley Slack-Smith : [Field notebook] : South Coast of WA [14/01/1982-20/01/1982]
Record no:
Call no:
[27] p. ; 16 cm.
Details of a short expedition collecting land molluscs primarily within Fitzgerald National Park.

[Abridged summary of dates, locales and specimens observed/collected follows]
Thursday 14-i-1982
[Nedlands 72945.0km -> Wagin - petrol 72945.0->Katanning - Stayed at Caravan Park at the Mobil Garage on the way to Broome hill.]
Friday 15-i-82

[Mobil Garage Kataning - 73262.3km->Gnowangerup->Jerramungup]Collected 1 dead Both. shell abt 50km W of Ravensthorpe in mallee on white sand [Ravensthorpe -> Fitzgerald River National Park -> Milies Beach - about 3km inside the beach] Arrived there & got a good camping site with only one other lot of campers in a Qld(?) Kombie. Went for a walk along thr beach to western end - collected shells on the beach - marvellous deposits of beach drift there in pockets of beach between barriers of vertically tipped stratified rocks (metamorphosed limestones?). Collected cuttlebones along beach. - Jane & Samantha collected donacids in surf.
Saturday 16-i-82
Jane & Samantha up early & went swimming. I went over to creek (only a string of water holes at the moment - which runs on the north side of the camping site & then to the east of it to terminate on the beach) & collected dead Bothriembryon kingii type on a steep bank to north of creek bed. We then left in the vehicle for East Mount Barren - parked the vehicle at a shelter shed on a detour to the west of the mountain. Then we climbed up the SW face of the mountain, or at least the girls climbed right up but I only got about 2/3 of the way up = what with stopping to collect & then realising I didn't have my camera. Went back down to the car in a panic to find it sitting on the bonnet! Then started up the mpountain again - met the girls coming down. Took some photos from the vehicle looking towards Milies Beach & then going up the mountain looking in the same direction & some habitat shots & one of the girls coming down the side of the mountain. Found 3 species of Bothriembryon living together under rocks - particularly where rocks are heaped upon one another 3 or 4 deep. The long striped species with pink red columella seems to be found most superficially attached to rocks but is also found attached to twigs & buried in the soil & litter though this might be (& probably is) a passive burial. Most specimens medium sized - very few large ones (but plenty of large dead predated shells) - & some small & one very small animals. The next most abundant species was the small brown elongate species which is also found attached to rocks possible less superficially than the larger striped species though often found in same microhabitat. A few larger specimens which appear to be mature - but most are medium sized & no small ones found. The rarest species is shorter dumpier & has a banded colour scheme of pinkish fawn & cream. No mature specimens were found & the few that were found were more deeply situated in rock heaps than were other species.  We came back to camp at about 1pm & after lunch I went back to steep bank of stream near camp & collected a large number of dead & very dead shells of B. kingii & one (or perhaps 2) live specimens attached to under surface of limestone rocks. Most of the shells were found beneath clumps of curly grass & snake lilies but this might be an artifact because these clumps would trap rolling shells from above. No evidence that snails commonly frequent litter beneath prostrate shrubs. Only a very few shells were found above lip of bank & then very close to edge. Found many dead Succinea, 2 or 3 species of "pupullids" & one of Paralaoma - all dead - under & around prostrate shrubs in litter beneath Melaleuca trees near stream bed to E of stream near its termination at beach. Then walked along to west end of beach & up onto hills where spurs are covered &/or edged with metamorphic rocks - no shells found on these ridges but some dead B kingii found on slopes of ridges capped with limestone nearer to sand dunes. [sketch of Milies Beach and collection locations]
Sunday 17-i-82
[Left camp ->Hopetoun ->Drove north - stopped at Rest Area just S of Ravensthorpe - at old mine site - collect stones from heap.->Jerrimingup-> Service Station on road to Bremer Bay] Went no down to west end of [Fitzgerald River National] Park entering through Devils Creek Road met Ranger who gave us a spot to camp on gravel pit on small track to swamp which leaves road just west of junction with Collette Rd and road to Quaalup. Walked arounded swamp area (quite dry) - Melaleucas[...]
Monday 18-i-82
Went back up road (westwards) to Gairdner River [...] I couldn't find a trace of molluscs anywhere. [...] We then went back past camping site & down to "Quaalup" where we left vehicle inside Keens' [Assistant Ranger] gate & set off down to Gairdner River which we crossed & then went on to other side of large bend in river. No molluscs - only dead tube worms, 1 large fish jumped, plenty of v small fish. Coming back we stopped at river crossing & in one small pool - only one with living weed - found some small gastropods - ?hydrobiids.[...] We went back up road to fire break crossing it turned east - then took track off it to north ehich took us to N face of West Mount Barren where there was a new car park from which there is a newly cleared foot-track which runs up E face of mountain to peak (2pm). Took us about 30-40 minutes to reach top. I collected on N E & S sides of peak (W side too steep & probably too hot). Found only about 5 live Bothriembryon (striped with pinked columellar area) & not many dead ones - possibly because suitable habitats were scarse - much vegetation much more soil & much less rock than on East Mount Barren. Geoff picked up up at abt 5.30 & we went back to 'Quaalup' which the Keens' own & have restored (or really rebuilt). Mrs Keen said that a large white snail (probably B. dux) was found only on red soil (near river cliffs) with small quartzite chips & Eucalyptus platypus growing - only place she has sen them - will try & send specimens & information. [...]
Tuesday 19-i-82
Left camp & went back along Devils Creek Rd & down road to South (Murray) & on to Bremer Bay. [...] Left Bremer Bay about midday. Had lunch at Ballinup River crossing - no snails found - very stagnant in some pools but fine filamentous weed. Cleaned up & went on to Reserve [...]
Wednesday 20-i-82
Girls went wading in creek - found small hydrobiids with ribs ("Hydrobia" buccinoids Q or G?)

Details of a short expedition collecting land molluscs primarily within Fitzgerald National Park.
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Western Australian Museum
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