Full Record

Shirley Slack-Smith : [Field notebook] : Dampier Archipelago [02/08/1978-11/08/1978]
Record no:
Call no:
[111] p. ; 16 cm.
[Second fieldbook for work in Dampier & Shark bay observing/collecting molluscs esp. oyster]

[Expedition Members: "Dusty" Miller, "Spud" Murphy; Western Explorer. Tim Meagher, Ian Le Provost, Peter Ewers, Vic Semennik, Phil Chalmer, John Thompson "Thommes", Barry Hutchins, Loisette Marsh, & SMS-S, David & Jennie Nuttall, DeGrey Tae Dampier]

[Fieldbook begins wth a list of stations, some of which reference associated books ex. Station;1;Book;A->E;]
[Summary of Stations/locales and specimens observed/collected at each follows]
Watch out for changes in distribution abundance & postion wrt [hole] levels of
oyster - S. cucculata, S. "commercialis"; Turbans; Trochids - T. "lineatus", Prothalotia; Chitons - spiny,granulosa; Thaids - Morula, marginalba, Thais mancinella
Anchored in Withnell Bay just E of N head.
Phaeophyta, leafy Sargassum, flat Sargassum, Caulocystis uvifera (?Cystoscira uvifera), Turbinaria triquetra, Dictyota, Dictyopteris australis
SW of Withnell Bay 20°35.95'S 116°45.65' E [running] WNW
A. intertidal; (a) Thin zone of S. "commercialis", Wide zone of S. cucculata; (b) upper - Morula marginalla, small->large barnacles, Siphonaria sp., Acmea sp.; (c) lower - Mancinella, large barnacles, Siphonaria, Acmea, Granular chiton. Algal film layer above oyster zone a small amount lith & semilitho in barnacle zone.
B. just below LWL; Eucheuma c. warts, Turbinaria, Gelidium (not Laurencia), Zonaria (small), Cardilid, Hyotissa 2 pp, Malleid dark red, Thais aculeata.
C. slope; Pinctada albina, Hyotissa 2, Cardiid in coral, Malleus dark red, Acicularia - few on rocks, stunted Sargassum - vv little, Semi-lithothamnian &lithothamnian, Zonaria - small & v few, v small stunted [reds] ?Gelidium, Jania - main component of encrusting mat, calcareous green - columnellar - cross striae - small & few.
D. Bottom of slope; Dictyopteris - small [amnt.] in clumps on stones, Dictyota, Caulerpa & Hyotissa 2, Padina, Sargassum - fine leafy, small amnt. Jania, Lithothamnion & encrusting semi-coralline red-(softish) om Pinna deltodes c Aeneid & ?Siphonarium ?Gadinia.
E. channel; silty sand covered with surface dwelling algae - v small amount of red Laurencia in sand, ?Acetabularia, [Halophila], Dictyot, Caulerpa.
SW of Withnell Bay 20°35.6'S 116°45.95'E  running W (seaward of ML1)
A. intertidal on boulder beach; no S. commercialis (tho' these were present on adjacent points), S. cuccullata, D. marginalla, Siphonarians, Acmea, small->large barnacles, Ectocarpus, no chitons seen, tube worms & lithothamnions
B. subtidal rocks; v few coral colonies, but many Tridacna maxima on tops of rocks, many Malleus sp. (dark red) in crevices, v few mancinella, v. fine algal [turf] on rock surfaces.
C. slope app. 12'; Pinna sp. - check! (probably P. deltodes), Jania, Zonaria, bombies, small oyster & Cardita, Hipponix on Pinna, Arca navicularis, O. tuberculata in Porites, Pinctada albina, Malleus sp dark red, Spondylus, Septifer, Chama, Arca navicularis seen not coll., Mancinella, Hyotissa 2, small flat streaked b&w Spondylus, 1 large H. hyotis seen in open, Tridacna maxima.
D. at base of slope; Hyotissa 2, Placuna, Phyllidia, Litho & semilitho, no algae.
E. Channel; Plenty of Placuna, no algae only Halophilla, small attached bivalves (few), small living barnacles.
SW of Withnell Bay 20°35.95'S 116°45.4'E running NNW.
A. Intertidal; S. commercialis, S. cuccullata, barnacles, small spale Lithophaga, dead Isognomonid, small crabs, small Brachydontes, small acids.
B. rocks just below LWL; algal turf, Tridacna maxima, Turbinaria, other molluscs, Chama - few, Spondylus, Carditids, Hyotissa sp. (2 p.p)
C. slope; Small Pinna deltodes
D. bottom of slope; Caulerpa, Codium, Dictyota, ?Udotea, ?Laurencia, Padina, "strange little mussel in ?byssal bag"
E. channel; Zonaria, Dictyota, ? fine green filaentous, dead shells, Placuna, Mitrid, Mactrid, Pectinid, Cordinid, live Cronia ?avellona
Withnell Bay N side 116°47'30"E 20°34'37"S
Site E. under boat 15-20ft; 2 spp Amphibola, 1 sp Zostera, 1 sp algae -green calcareous, 1 sp green strap[?] tough algae, 2 spp Caulerpa, Siphonales - packed small pinnules other with large few pinnules, another Siphonales ? Caulerpa with <5% fan shaped stipes, green cylindrical calc. alga <1% with transverse striae.
Site D. Below bottom of slope; ?3 spp Caulerpa including C. scalpelliformis & v coarse & coarse sp. (same as in E) & knobby sp. ?same as above, v. little Codium (dead man's fingers). mats of Laurencia - pale mauvish, new algae (as in E)?, ?Caulerpa ?green strap green cylinder - as in E, 2 spp. Amphibola[?] - dark green round leaf, very fine Dictyota, Malleus - dark red, few Hyotissa 2, cf algae 60% Chloroph., 20% Rhodo, 20% Phonoph.{?} 100% Siphonales, >90% Caulerpa,
Site C. Slope; Padina. Dictyota, Sargassum - fine leaft, Codium (dead man's fingers), tufts of brown filamentous (like Ectocarpus) algae, Zonaria, Chama, Spondylus, Pinna deltodes - quite a few, Septifer, Astraea stellare, A. pileola? (wide flange), Hyotissa 2.
Site B. Just below LWL; brown filamentous tufts, barnacles, mancinella, Trochus lineatus, Astraea pileola, Vermelids - large black, Oyster (what type?). !00% Algae, 60% encrusting, 40% non encrusting, 100% Phaeophyceae, 100% laminate.
Site A. Intertidal; S. cucculata, S. commercialis.
Offrig[?]on Conzinc I.
Site C. aproximate to slope, approx. 2' depth; algae -  95% Ionia, rest of algae 50% Phaeo, 15% greens. 35% browns, <100% Zonaria, <10% Padina, Tridacna maxima, Carditid, Malleus - dark red, Chama, Spondylus, dead Trapezia[?]
Site ?C2. 15-18'; 100% cover with >60% algae with H & S coral & a few sponges. Algal turf predominated forming 95% to 60% of algae going from 15-18'. Of the rest Phaeophyceae predominated with about 60%, red 35%, greens 5%, of browns Dictyota formed 65%, Zonaria 30% with Padina approx. 5%. Jania, Halimeda. Carditids, Ostrea tuberculata, Hyotissa 2, Chama, Tridacna maxima, Tectus pyramis, Astraea stellare.
ML12/A1; S. cucculata only no commercialis, Acanthochiton, Barbatia (probably fusca), granular chiton, Morula, Siphonaria, Pillarinids, Thais aculeata, O. tuberculata.
ML12/A2. Below oyster zone; Thais aculeata, Mancinella, Tridacna maxima, small green anemones, Lithothamnia.
ML12/B. Sublittoral rocks; algal turf, green columnar algae, Penecillus, dark brown filamentous algae, Turbinaria, Zonaria, Dictyota, Jania, posy-type coralline algae, like Pterocladia, Euchemna, Carditid, Tridacna maxima, dead Turbo & gyrostomus, spondylus - B&W small & large, Chamid.
Rocky shore North of Conzinc Bay, very murky - near to low water. 
ML10/A->B. intertidal; S. cuccullata only, Sargassum, Dictyota, small red-brown turbinid perhaps an Astreid (looks very like Microstraea rutilidoma).
ML10/B->C; Phaeophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Zonaria, Dictyota, Padina, like Dictyopteris, Sargassum, Turbinaria, Caulerpa, Acicularia.
ML10/D->E; Amphibolus. Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae, Rhodophyceae, Caulerpa - feather large & wide, Caulerpa - very coarse, Caluerpa - fine like feather but 3D, Caulerpa - flat feather fan, Halimeda, Dictyota, ?Hypnaea, branched gorgonian, Pteriid, brittle stars
Sandy Beach, just inside N head of Withnell Bay; S. commercialis, Ellobiids - Plecotrema cf minuta & Marinula - dark with light band, Brachydontes. Isognomon, small Leptomid, Barbatia, Acmeid, Planescis.
Kendrew I. Transect 2B, dived 15-12ft; Zonaria, Peyssonnelia, Boodleopsis, Acropora, Bryopsis, Tectus pyramis.
Transect 2C, 15-25 feet; Laurencia, Peyssonnelia, Boodleopsis, Bryopsis, burrowing Carditids, Tridacna maxima, Chama, Hyotissa 2, Pinctada margaritifera, H. hyotis.
Transect 1C, outer at edge of spur & grooves & beyond; algae, H & S coral, lineates (compound green), sponges & hydroids, Laurencia, Peyssonnelia, Coraliines, filamentous red algae, Hyotissa sp. 2, H. hyotis, Chamids, Spondylus, blue mouthed drupe, ?Atrina pectinata, burrowing Carditids.
Transect 1. B, more inshore towards shoreward limits of spur & groove formation; Peyssonnelia, Bryopsis.
Transect 2A2 - reef flat 50m from notch; Laurencia, Asparagopsis, Hypnaea, Pterocladia, corallines, Caulerpa, Dictyosphaeria, Colpomenia
100m from notch, Dog Boulder; Caulerpa 2 spp. coarse & fine, Boodleopsis, Padina, Colpomenia, Laurencia, Ulva.
150m from notch; Mancinella
190m from notch; Zonaria, Laurencia, Tridacna maxima.
Transect 1 A2, about 100m from cliff; Boodleopsis, Halimeda, coralline algae, Laurencia, star red algae, turf algae.
?About 125m from cliff; much the same as 100m. less turf, more Laurencia.
About 50m from cliff; Ulva, Caulerpa, Codium.
South side of Museum Bay; Nodelittorina, Melaraphe (striate), Littorina scabra, green algae 0feathers, S. cucculata, large barnacles, red weed, Acanthochiton, Siphonaria. granular chiton, Acmeas, burrowing barnacles.
Musuem Bay, N side; Siphonarians, Nodilittorina, Melaraphe - striate (small & large), Siphonaria - large & small - laying eggs, Acmea with granular chitons, S. cuccullata, overlapping large barnacles - burrowing barnacles below.
Westside of Kendrew I, near sandy beach; Nodilittorina, Melaraphe (striate),?Cladophora, Siphonaria, mussels (Brachydontes?), Acmeids, Acanthochiton, Onchidium (green), S. cuccullata with granular chiton, large barnacles, green & brown filamentous algae.
Weed flats E of Lady Nora Island; brown, green and red algae, Caulerpa, Halimeda, coralline algae.
Algal flats, Miller Rocks 1; fucoids, dictolamous[?] brown, Dictyota, brown netted bubble algae, Colpomenia, red coralline algae, green thallus[?] - like Anadyomene or Cladocephalus, Halimeda, Caulerpa, Tridacna, C of T[Crown of Thorns].
Neat to Miller Rocks 2 on sheltered (Lady Nora I.) side, depth 6'+; Laurencia, Liagora, Crown of Thorns, other 2 starfish, no molluscs obvious.
Malus Island - E end of S side - Whaler's Bay, offshore coral reef; algae - turf & lithothamnium, coralline algae, Laurencia, dead Acropora, green columnar algae.
Malus Island - E end of S side - Whaler's Bay, on way into shore;  H & S coral clumps, Halophila, Chama, burrowing Carditid, Hyotissa 2, Tridacna maxima, Pinetada albina, Spondylus, Arca novicularis, H. Iyotis[?], Morula spinosa.
Shore - E end of S side E of Whalers Bay, A; Turbinaria, S. cuccullata, Lunella[?], Acanthopleura gemmata, small & large Monodonta, small & large Nerita (chameleon?), Tectus "lineatus", small umbilicate haemodonta (typica?).
S. "commercialis" zone; Marinula type ellobiid, Morula margariticola, M. marginalba.
N side opposite Whaler's Bay, across sand bar; Astropecta eating trochids (Gibbula type), Cerithium cumingii, C. fasciatum, T. maxima, Atrina pectinata, live dentalliid, Cominella sp. (like eburnea)
N. side of W. end of Boat Passage [sketch map given]
Stn 1
Beach Rock only at high intertidal level - very dense rock; S. cuccullata, large barnacles, Barbatia, small siphonarians, Morula, granula chiton, Acmea (3 spp), 2 spp Ellobiids (Laemodonta & Marinula type), Fissurellid, Isognomon (v small), old & young S. commercialis (particularly in upper part of zone), Petricola sp. - form hourglass shaped false tube with larger valve, very many dead oysters but also a large number of living oysters of all size classes, Algae - green curls in sheltered microhabitats.
Further along beach - about 50m #1, another layer of beach rock below upper intertidal; very few S. cuccullata (about 1:50 or 100) at same beach level as in #1, large barnacles, siphonarians - more numerous and larger than #1, filamentous green algae, Acmea (2 spp), Onchidium - larger than #1, Morula, Planaxis, curly green algae, Chama - old & young, Morula, dead Vermelids, Petricolids (fewer than in #1), Cypraea errones, Planaxis, Acmea, granular chiton, Onchidium, alga - Boodleopsis is more like Microdictyon.
About 100m along from #2; S. cuccullata, S. commercialis, Onchidium, Morula, Petricola, Barbatia, Siphonaria, Vermetids, green weed. [sampling was noted as incomplete do to sun setting]
S of W end of Boat Passage (area which we tried on 4-VIII-78) N of Conzinc Bay
ML10A - Intertidal Boulders; S. commercialis, S. cuccullata, siphonarians, large barnacles, Morula, Acmea (saccharina)
ML10B-C - Below A; Algae - Turbinaria, Sargassum, Padina, Dictyota. Pinctada albina, Malleus (not Malleus alba), Septifer bilocularis, Astrea tuberculata
ML10(DE) - really bottom of subtidal area between coast & offshore rocks not really a channel approximating to other D-E sites; Dictyota, Padina, Caulocystis, Halophila, Caulerpa (coarse)
ML10/D1 - Outside offshore rocks - on boulders to 15'; Molluscs - Pinna deltodes, Hyotissa 2, H. Hyotis, Mancinella, Spondylus, Chama. Algae - Lithothamnian, Semi-litho, fine browns & reds, Hypnea?, Laurencia? stunted.
Corner Dolphin Island
ML11a/A - High intertidal-low intertidal; S. commercialis, large barnacles, S. cuccullata, granular chiton, small acmeid, Morula, Siphonarians, Acmea (saccharina type) v few, Barbatia, Petricola, small Fissurellid, brown filamentous alga.
ML11a/B1 - Subtidal - boulders with very much silt; 100% cover, 95% algae, 90% brown, 10% green
ML11a/B2 - lower down - 12' approx.; 60% brown , 30% red, 10% green.
ML11a/B; Turbinaria, Codium, Padina, stunted Sargassum, Mancinella, Chama, red Malleus, 3 spp Caulerpa, green columnar [algae], Dictyota (possibly 2 spp), Hypnea, v finely branched red [algae], Dichotonous brown [algae], New green (Siphonales), Zonaria, gelatinous brown [algae], soft coralline [algae], iridescent hardish branching red [algae], Hyotissa 2, Mytilid (not Brachydontes or Septifer or Lithophaga), O. tuberculata.
ML11a/C - 13-15'; 90% sea grass - Halophila, 10% Caulerpa, fine red (soft) [algae], red &green [algae], dead cardiids (Fragum &[?] fragule), Cultellids[?], Tellina[?], 1 live Placuna, 1 live Ancilla.
West side of Angel I; S. cuccullata, Thais aculeata, large barnacles, Cellanids, pink acmeids (small), worm tubes (vermetids), small siphonarians, small acmeids, pink litho, burrowing barnacles, Morula, Barbatia, Brown tar [algae?], fine filamentous red [algae]
v low intertidal & just subtidal; Lithothamnion, Turbinaria, Tridacna maxima, Mancinella, Thaid (peculiar) - not seen before
slope; algae - encrusting, turf/very fine, red, green, coralline. Purple mouthed drupe, Hipponix, Red Malleus, Carditid burrowing, Septifer, Chama, Astraea stellare[?], Spondylus (thorny), Ostrea tuberculata, fine flat red [?], 3 spp Phyllidia.
Bottom of slope; Acicularia, Peyssonnelia, Zonaria, Arca navicularis, Hyotissa 2, white Malleus (not Malleus alba)
Channel flat 30'; fine sand, mobile, no algae or anything else.
Boat Passage N side about 1/2 way along passage; brown & red & green algae, Halimeda, Dictyosphaeria, Anadyomene, Caulerpa, Zonaria, Dictyota, Padina, Hypnea?, Coralline [algae], Laurencia, Asparagopsis, sea grasses, soft corallines, Sargassum, Caulocystis, flat green coralline - new species not seen before - right inshore, flat Sargassum, brown network [algae?].
Atrina pectinata, Punctada maxima, Thorny Spondylus, Red Malleus, Black mouthed Vermetid, Melo.
Boat Passage S side Coral Bombies SII, further E than previous station; green red & brown algae, stunted Sargassum, Turbinaria, new green (Siphonales?), green filamentous [algae], green columnar [algae], Laurencia, Vermetid - black mouthed, Septifer, red Malleus, O. tuberculata on dead Pacillopara, Pteriid on Acropora living & dead, Carditids - burrowing, Pinctada maxima.
Conzinc B, North side
shore; S. cuccullata, S. commercialis, large barnacles, Siphonarians, no algae obvious, Acmea saccharina, filamentous brown weed, Astrea pileola.
Algal zone; 99% brown algae, 1% green algae, stunted Sargassum 2 spp?, Dichotonous brown [algae], Padina, Dictoysphaeria, Caulerpa, green columnar [algae], Dictyota, Turbinaria, Tectus pyramis, Trochus lineatus.
 2 spp? of seas grasses - 1 oval 1 elongate small, Caulerpa - coarse, Hypnea, Anadyomene, v fine Zostera, coarse & fine Halimeda, Caulocystis, fan Caulerpa, very fine? red [algae].
Reeftop; 40% brown, 30% red, 30% green algae, brown algae - Padina Dictyota stunted Sargassum, sea grasses - thin leaves - thin oval leaves, red algae - corallines (articulated) - 50% spiky - posy - leafy reds - Laurencia. Tridacna maxima, red Malleus. Bag lot, few molluscs recollected.
Outer reef slope; algae, Atrina pectinata, Tectus pyramis, red Malleus, Arca, Hyotissa 2, Chama, Spondylus, Septifer, Pinna deltodes, Carditid, O. tuberculata.
 Channel flat; Placuna - live & dead, Malleus sp cf alba
Conzinc Bay landward reef slope; sea grasses, Dichotonous brown algae, Fucoids - Caulocystis Sargassum, Padina, Dictyota, green algae - Caulerpa 2spp Anadyomene, sea grasses - Gelidium - Laurencia - green cylinder [algae] - Codium, Pinna deltodes
S. Point of No-name Bay; S. commercialis
A; S. cuccullata, large barnacles, Morula, Siphonarian, Acmea "saccharina" type
B, sublittoral [zone]; Mancinella, Chama, O. tuberculata, Carditids (burrowing), purple mouthed thaids, algal turf, H & S coral, Caulerpa ?peltata, lithothamnion nodules, [transect unfinished]
A; S. commercialis, S. cuccullata, large barnacles, green & brown filamentous algae, siphonarians, Acmea 'saccharina', Morula, Gania[?], purple mouthed thaid
B, to 10'; H & S coral, Ralfsia, filamentous brown algae, stunted Turbinaria plants, Mancinella, Chama, Morula, Septifer, Red Malleus, Carditid - burrowing, Tridacna maxima
C, at 14'; algal turf, Caulerpa, red Malleus, Carditid, Mancinella, Septifer, Spondylus, Pinctada albina, O. tuberculata
D->E, 20' -> 26'; Sargassum, Padina, red sponges, corals, gorgonians, Pteriids on gorgonians.
near water outlet N of service jetty
A; S. cuccullata, large barnacle, Siphonarian, Acmaea flammea[?], Acmaea saccharina, fissurellids (Notomella?), Morula
B; filamentous brown algae, Padina, Sargassum, brown bubble algae, red leafy algae, coarse Caulerpa, green columnar [algae], Chama.
C. 10'; turf algae, Caulerpa 2 spp, red - iridescent - dichotonous algae, Padina, Sargassum, filamentous brown algae, brown bubble algae, brown net algae, dichotonous brown algae.



[Second fieldbook for work in Dampier & Shark bay observing/collecting molluscs esp. oyster]

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