Expedition to Pemberton accompanied by Margaret Sinclair and Brian Smith. 01/09/1974; collecting fresh water molluscs at Lake Preston, hydrobiids, one Succinea, Physastra. Collecting at Capel River, 2 or 3 species of slug, and some Helix. Collected at
Blackwood River, slugs and some planarians. Collected at Donnelly River, Succinea, some endodontoids. 02/09/74; collected at swimming pool at Pemberton, many garlic snails - Oxychylus and slugs. Collected from Lefray Brook, fresh water snail sp., fresh water limpet (Amcylus?), Succinea, Oxychylus. Collected from Rainbow Trail, endodontids (charopids?) 2spp. Collected from Heartbreak Trail, Charopids(?), Buccinea shells.