Full Record

Shirley Slack-Smith : [Field notebook] : Shark Bay (2) [09/05/1981-12/05/1981]
Record no:
Call no:
[ 60] p. ; 17 cm.
Expedition to Shark Bay region dredging and surveying marine mollusc species. Book 2.

[Abridged summary of dates, locales and specimens observed/collected follows]
9-V-81 cont.
We then went W & S to Hamburg Exped. #8.
SB#35: about 6 miles S of Denham, Shark Bay, WA; 26°0.4'S, 113°30'E; 2.5-3 fathoms; weed bed (Amphibolus, Zonaria, epiphitic fine jointed corallines, fine sheets of reticulate freen alga). Compound ascidians, sponges & holothurians. Molluscs, live taken: nassariids (small squat), Phasianella, Euplica, Cantharidus short, Cantharidus tall, drupes, Liotia, Angaria juveniles, Crenatula in sponge. Dead taken: cerithaceans 3-4 spp., rissoaceans 1-2 spp., Aulicina nivosa, Stavelia - 1 valve - juv, Antigona, Chama, Ventricolaria.

We then went slightly SW & did another trawl in more sandy area (again at approx. Hamburg #8).
SB#36: abt 6 miles S of Denham, Shark Bay WA; 26°0.4'S 113°30.6'E; 2-3 fathom; 1 haul of 5 minutes at right angles to edge of bank; rectangular dredge; sand & shell grit & weed beds (Posidonia, Amphibolus, Halimeda & Caulerpa (2 spp (1) hard c long 3 cornered fronds; each edge serrated (2) soft stipe with globular pinnules arraged in 2 opposite rows along stipe) Protoreaster, holothurians & sponges. Molluscs, live taken: Cerithium cumingi, Crepidula, ?Hypotrochus, Drupe, Cantharidus short, Cantharidus long, Euplica, Chama, Pinna (gragments of live shell taken), Bellucina!, Chiton from Posidoniadead taken: Triphora (brown), Diala ? lutea, ? turrid, nassariid - small squat, Pyrene? (or is it Mitrella) minute, Phasianella, Liotia, ?Mitrella - brown fine close lines, Melo, umboniid (?Ethminolia), naticid, Cerithium (?Bittium), ?Clanculus (B&W), Mitrella sp (minute - chevron 1 pattern), v small cerithiid, rissoid, Cyclophorid, tellin - minute concave postero-dorsal border, venerid - minute, mytilid - minute - Musculus, ?Montacutid, lucinid - smallish circular, limid - small very fragile, Divaricella, mytilid - smooth fragment of, Venerid - small zigzag, tellin - minute straight edge, Aerosterigma reeveanum, mytilid - smooth not hairy, Ventricolaria, Antigona, Pinuitellina, mytilid - smooth hairy, ?Monitilora - very deep buccinid, Carditid.
SB#37: SW of Denham, Shark Bay, WA; 25°58.1'S, 113°30'E to 25°57.7'S, 113°30'E; 1.5-2 fathoms; 2 hauls with rectangular dredge; sand with a little Amphibolus & floating Posidonia, jointed coralline epiphytes, rock with yellow sponge, dead coral, little Halophila. Molluscs, live taken: Cerithium fasciatum, Mitrella or Pyrene - very slender, Euplica live, Montaculid. dead taken: Tectus obeliscus, ?cerithiid - small slender B&W, Crepidula, Angaria, Cerithium (?Bittium), Pinctada albina, mytilid - large smooth hairy, Spondylus - red lips, Ventricolaria, Antigona, Astrea, Carditid - elongate, Carditid - short, lunid - large, hiatellid, Chama, Dosinia - large, Anodontia, Perna (fragment), Astrea - long dead, Pinna fragment, Chlamys sp. - juvenile, Venerid - small zig zag.
Clay, Louisette & I then set off from Flinders - which was moored off Denham jetty - in the Zodiac for the approximate positions of the Hamburg Expedition stations 3 & 4 (north of Denham on weed & sand flats). We swam as well as dredged at HE#4 but only dredged at different depths at HE#3 off Lagoon Point - high tide - much weed thrown up onto beach.
2.5 miles NW of Denham, Shark Bay, WA; 25°54'S; 113°30.2'E; 2 metres; diving & box dredge 3 hauls between 1525 hours & 1550 hours; sand patches in weed bed (Posidonia, Amphibolus, Zostera & Halophila (coarse species all over sand, v fine species around edges of sand patch)) jointed coralline epiphytes, Penecillus & ?Anadyomene? (green calcoreans alga - flat thallus with swollen holdfast in sand). Breynia dead - peculiarly elongate. Molluscs, live taken: Cerithium fasciatum +++, Rhinoclavis vertagus ++, Euplica, ? nassariid (squat, short), Aulicina nivosa, Cantharidus (short), Pinna, Pinctada albina, Chama - lying on sand - probably detached from weed wtc, Carditid - large, reddish & white. dead taken: Tellinastaurella +++, Divaricella (2 spp?), tellin -pink stripes, tellin - deep yellowish, ? Bassina, Fragum hemicardium, Pinguitellina, Tellina (Tellinella), Circe scripta, limid large, Fragum unedo, Diodora, Bulla botanica, Tetuc ? pyramis juvenile, Mitrella sp, Pupa sp. (? juv. of solidula), Pupa solidula. turrid, Cerithium large B&W, naticid, cerithiid - squat brown & black , (?Bittium) dark brown-white slender, Cantharus, Phasianella, Cerithium (?Bithium)+
On N side of Lagoon Point, N of Denham, Shark Bay WA; 25°55.4'S; 113°31'E; depth?1 metre; 2 hauls of 5 minutes with box dredge; asnd with sparse Zostara; Molluscs, live taken: Dentalium - smooth, nassariids +, Cerithium fasciatum, Eulimid, Mitrella - juv., ?Callista, Placamen (Bassina), fragum hemicardium, ? Thraciid - nacreous, Gafrarium large, Gomphina, Sepiolid - large spots. Dead taken: Gagrarium - elongate, mytilid - ribbed, Pinguitellina, Fragum unedo juv., Circe, Divaricella, mytilid - smooth, Tellina staurella, Punctada albina, ?Katelysia hiantina, Dosinia, tellins - 2 spp., Eulimnid, naticid, Pupa solidula, Cerithium (? Bittium), Cantharidus - short, vermetid, Cuttlebones.
Arrived back at the ship cold & late for dinner. Clay, John Patterson, George Allen & Ron Daniels went into town. Louisette & I continued on working till fairly late.
Took photo of Denham at sunrise. Went south to Eagle Bluff.
SB#40: 1.5 miles W of Eagle Bluff, Shark Bay, WA.; 26°6.75'S; 113°33.5'E; 4-4.5 fathom; 0933; rectangular dredge; weed beds (Amphibolus & fine coralline epiphytes). Molluscs, live taken: Phasianella red & white animal, Crepedula, Euplica, Cantharidus short, Cantharidus long, tripharids - same spp. alive, Liotia, Phasianotrochus, drupe ?Cyclostematid (knobbed risge around umbilicus), ?Gibbula deep brown - v small v long eye & mantle tentacles, cerithium spp, Angoria adult, naticid sp.1 - dense brown pattern, naticid sp 2 - cream, nassariids - short squat, eulimnid - pink near spine, chitons on dead Amphibolus leaves, 2 spp Mitrella, mytilids - ?Musculus nanus - v small, Chama, Pinguitellina (v long exhalant siphon & jumping foot). dead taken: tripharids, ?Clanculus - dark, Diala, turrid, ?Diala - broad, transparent c. fine conc. red lines & white spots (but see later!), Opisthobranchs - short spined shell, ?Hypotrochus, ?Neritina - v. small white c. deep pink paired chevrons, Mitrella, Ventricolaria, Irus cf vertumnalium, solecurtiid, ? Bellucina, ? Wallucina - deep oblique (? divoricate) rad. ribs, Antigona, Divaricella, ?leptonid (lat teeth, 1 ?cardinal). Worms in gastropod shells to Loisette. Louisette & Clay had hone ashore to do next station while I stayed aboard finishing sorting of mountain of weed from this catch.
SB#41: Off small islets near Eagle Bluff, Shark Bay, WA; 1.5m; sand with weed beds (Amphibolus, Posidonia, fine Zostera, coarse Halophila) 1120-1123hrs dredge, plus diving & intertidal collecting.
Weed washings: live molluscs - Bolloid with ant. & post. areas of incised lines, Dialia sp. 1 - brown lines & white spots, Diala sp. 2 brown with white spots, Mitrella (or Zaphora) zig-zag brown lines - white below sutures or mottled brown & white - faint axial ribs, Phasianotrochus - brown & white, Euplica, nassariids - short squat. "Dialid" (see previous station) - wide transparent c red lines & white spots but has tentacles on epipodium & small but definite tenetacles at front corners of foot. Islet N of Eagle Bluff - diving, live molluscs: Saccostrea cucullata, Barbatia fusca, mytilid - ribbed no hairs, chiton - large - hairy mantle, Chama, barnacles -small - ribbed, Ostrea folium, Epitoniid. Jay's rock, S side of Eagle Bluff & on Point: live molluscs: Planaxis - adult & juv., Monodonta, mytilids - small ribbed, littorinids - 1sp? (all animals similar but some shells (large) are fawn & granular & others (small) are dark grey with orange tubercles), acmeids - bluish-green mantle with yellowish edge - v. fine tentacles on edge (some animals lighter & tentacles more obvious), Siphonarians with grey splashes & white (or yellow) spots on pneumostome head & sides of foot, live Gomphina. Dredging, all dead: tellin - spines on post rib area, Fragum efrugatum, Fragum hemicardium, Anodontia with sunken limule, Euplica, Pinctada albina, Divaricella 2 spp? are finer?, Cerithiium fasciatum, Phasianella 2 spp?, mytelid - ribbed, ?Zonatia - fragment only, mactrid, Chama, large mytilid (? not ribbed ?), Parcanassa, Polinices[?], Cantharidus - short, Mitrid. Rock Washings: Triphora - black with discrete white nodules - live!, Bemetids - live, Chama - live. We then went S to Goulet Bluff.
SB#42: 4.2 miles SW of Goulet Bluff, Shark Bay, WA; 26°14.4'S 133°36.8'E; shell/grit sand & sea grass (?Amphibolus with flat, opposite leaves). Molluscs, live taken: Spondylus - large flat processes, Chama - spined not with flat processes, Corbula, Cultellus, Mactrid, ?lucinid - smooth inflated, Euchelus, Opisthobranch - shelled white elongate - rel. large, ? Thraciid - nacreous, Dentalium javanium. dead taken: Costacallista, Circe scripta, carditid, Fragum hermicardium, Antigona lamellaris, Fulvia, Pecten, Laternula (fragment), carditid (small), Pitar - small white smooth, mytilid - v small - ribbed, Divaricella, Dosinia sl. decussate anteriorly, Solecurtus, lucinid - small globose c conc. lirae or lamellae, tellin - fine - elongate - ant end > post end - pink rays, Bellucina, nactrid - small -white -purplish posteriorly - 2 faint rays, Eulimnid, Melo, Polinices, drupe, umboniid - ?Elliminolia, naticid (cream).
SB#43: 7 miles SE of Goulet Bluff, Shark Bay, WA; 26°18.8'S; 113°44.75'E; 6 fathoms; weed beds (Amphibolus, & epiphytic jointed coralline algae); rectangular dredge; 5 minutes. Molluscs, live taken: disjointed Scalids, Chitons -small -brown & white striped mouths, Clanculus B&W, Euplica, Cantharidus - short, ?Neritina - transparent c white & pink spots, Bittium - v. small - brown, ?rissoacean - minute - axially ribbed, ?Zafra - brown c white below suture, Diala - white spots, nassariid - short squat, Mitrella - dark brown c white spots below suture, Opisthobranch - exert spire, ?Liotiid -minute -flat ceneanp[?] apere[?] - ciliated eye tentacles - foot bifurcated post. Dead taken: Cantharus, Pupa solidula, ? Phasianotrochus - brown & cream, ? cancellariid - fragment, ? Diala - minute - pagoda shaped, ? Cyclophorid - brown & pink & white - nodular umbilical border - hairy - opercular pit, rissoacean - inflated whorls, acmeid - minute - transparent with white spots, ? Diala - but broad glassy c red lines (see earlier #), Hypotrochus, Mitrella - brown with white spots, Dialid - sl nodular ribs, ?liptonid - like Pinguitellina - but broken lamellae sl decussate sunken leg, Opisthobranch - sunken spire - [?], rissoacean -white, ax ribs, Opisthobranch - parted ends -involute, Divaricella, Fragum erugatum, lucinid - deep- oblique- radial divaricate sculpture, Gafrarium, Corbulid - minute - inflated but no ribs, tellin- minute concave post/D, ?Diala (see previous#) broad glossy c white spots & pink lines, ?Cyclophorid -flat -strong ribs wgite - no nods on umbil., Gibbula - brown & white - umbilicate conical, triphorids, Diala - brown lines white spots, Zofra brown c white (zig zags on mottled), Zofra stray brown lines below suture - then white dots then light brown, pyramidellid slender -brown band, pyramidellid - slender -white, Mitrella - dense brown lines - some join - like Cliff Head.
We then took a haul in deeper water.
SB#44: 6.5 miles SE of Goulet Bluff, Shark Bay, WA: 26°19.2'S, 113°43.75'E; 7 fathoms; muddy sand & shell grit with sea grass (flat wire[?] weed c opposite leaves). Molluscs, live taken: none. dead taken: Fulvia, Divaricella, Gafrarium -rounded, Gafrarium elongate, fragum erugatum, carditid, Pinguitellina, Cultellus, Tellin - minute rostrate post/D margin concave, ?Dosinia, lucinid - minute -oblique cone - lamaellae with rad ribs ant. & post., Anodontia - sunken limule, mactrid - posterior rib, Ventricolaria, carditid - small, Marginelliid squat, Pyramidellid - minute, bulloid - v minute - ?rad ribs, triphorid - v minute, Cerithium (?Bittium), Cantharidus (squat), Bittium, Corbula -minute -v tumid no ribs, Euplica, ?Diala - minute -inflated whorls, lucinid - oblique deep rad ribs, mytilid small ribbed, ?Gibbula brown & white - imbilicate conical, ?turrid. Opisthobranch - inverted spire - not involute, Mitrella - brown axial zigzag lines, Dialid - swollen whorls, Fragum erugatum, ?Dialid- broad - glossy -white & pink pattern, Zafra - brown zigzag, Fulvia, Opisthobranch - inverted spire flat across post end.
SB#45: 3/4 mile E of Smith Island, Freycinet Reach Estuary, Shark Bay, WA; 26°35.5'S, 113°44'E; 2-4 fathoms; 1637 hours; 2 hauls of 3 minutes each, rectangular dredge; Muddy sand & weed beds (Posidonia, Penecillus, Zostra). dead taken: Cerithium (? Bittium), Fragum erugatum, Diala sl beaded ribs, Electroma. * see sheet for extra species. Molluscs - live taken: Gafrarium - l, mytilid small ?Musculus ribbed, mytilid - red/brown - smooth, Crepidula. dead taken: fulvia, Fragum erugatum, F hemicardium, Pinguitellina, ?"lepta" faint broken lamellae - faintly decussate- look at teeth, lethin[?] [sketch] strong post rib - concentric lamellae, Electroma - most[?] green, tellin - minute - concave post/D, Bellucina, Opisthobranch - slender minute [sketch], lucinid - deep oblique faint divaricate rad ribs. #45 (cont): Cantharidus short, Cerithum (?Bittium), Parcanassa, Mitrella - brown with fine white axial flames, turrid - small cream c strong axial ribs, Diala - {pagoda} - keeled, Limpet - minute - transparent with white rays, Diala - inflated whorls, Bittum, ?Cerithiopsid - brown.
SB#46: (=Hamburg Exped. #12), 2.25 miles N of Giraud Point, Freycinet Reach, Shark Bay; 26°26.2'S; 113°37.2'E; rectangular dredge; grey mud with weed beds (wire grass with flat opposite leaves, some Halophila & v little Posidonia; v little shell grit). Molluscs - live taken: Fragum hemicardium, Gafrarium. dead taken: Fulvia, Cerithium (?Bittium), Laternula fragment, Cantharidus short, Diala - keeled (pagoda), ? rissoid - faint axial ribbing - early whorls with 1 brown band/whorl & 2 on body whorl, Bellucina, tellin - small - concave D/post, pyramidellid - slender, ? Cuspidariid - flat nacreous conc. ribbing, ?Diala - beaded ribs, rissoid - minute - axial ribs, Fragum erugatum, Diala - slightly keeled - axial flames, Diala - small brown spots on white ribs, bucinid - oblique - deep, Conotalopia, opisthobranch - spire inverted - not involute, mytilid - minute - ribbed brownish, "dialid" - broad - glossy with white spots & pink lines, opisthobranch - pointed both ends, Dentalium - smooth, Diala - swollen whorls, mytilid - brown - strong posterior teeth - ribbed, opisthobranch - flat top, ?pyramidellid - short & squat - 3 plaits[?].
SB#47: 3 miles ESE of Cape Heirisson, Shark Bay, WA; 26°2.2'S; 113°24.7'E; 10 fathoms; rectangular dredge, 3 minutes; Shell debris & lithothamnion nodules - presumably in sand. Halimeda, flat calcareous green (Anodyomene?) little wire weed (flat opposite leaves, Halophila). pycnogonid. Molluscs - live taken: Cardiids - oval - thin - brown markings, Annachlamys - 4 ribs with red & white pattern, Trisidos semitorta, Tudicula, Hintella - large in dead coral & small ones in crevises, chitons - 2 or 3 spp, Arca navicularis, Chama 2 spp - foliose & prickly, Plicatula, Chlamys asperrimus, Astrea sp., mytilids - black - burrowing in dead coral, Carbula, Euchelus, Pinctada albina lamellose, Angaria, Perna small, Chlamys or Decatopecten - red - juvenile, Dentalium javanum - 1 juv. alive - all green except 1 yellow-green. Dead taken: Epitonium - v widely spaced large lamellae, nassariid - small squat, Melo, Cantharus, Nassariid - large, triphorids 2 spp, opisthobranch - spire exert, Diodora - scaled, Turbo, Fissurellid - long notch, Tellina (?Quadrans), mytilid - small brownish, lucinid - small oblique deep, limid[?] - elongate - [?], Spondylus - brown lip, Spondylus - red lip, Decatopecten, Paphia, Glycodonta, Costacallista, Semele - lamellate, Pinna - jaw - fragment, ?Irus ceyloncis - small, Sunetta - large, Periglypta, Anadara, Chlamys dringii ?, Tapes hiantina, Perna, "lepta"? - white - globose, solecurtid, Dosinia, carditid, Chlamys squamata, Gafrarium, psammobiid - pinkish, ?Zonatia, Tapes litterata, Bellucina large, Corbula sp. - elongate.
SB#48: 2.6 miles N of Cape Heirisson, Shark Bay, WA - in Denham Channel; 25°58.5'S; 113°21.5'E; 9 fathoms diving station; shell grit & sand, Halimeda, soft corals sponges & gorgonians. Molluscs - live taken: Chama, Spondylus - large, mytilid - black - boring into dead coral, Euplica - red siphon, Malleus - white - byssate, Pteria sp.  - (?benhardti), Nudibranchs - brown & cream spots - cream border & brown & white gills, Astrea sp. Dead taken: Tapes - v. fine zigzag lines - thin shell, Perna, live? Gastrochaemids, Glycodonta, Periglypta, Semele - lamellose. 
SB#49: 4.5 miles NNW of Cape Heirisson, Shark Bay, WA - in Denham Channel; 25°56.8'S; 113°20'E; 9 fathoms; diving station; shell grit & sand; soft corals, sponges, gorgonian fans. Molluscs - live taken: Perna in sponge, Pteria ?saltata ?bernhardti on gorgonian, Cronia, Cleidothaeris on bed rock covered by sand, ?Fissurellid - long slit - concellate, nudibranchs - 2 spp., Chlamys squamata juv. Dead taken: Chama - prickly, oyster, Chlamys dringii, Carditid - yellow - v. lamellose, Tapes - fine zigzag lines, psammobiid, limid - elongate - tumid, Dosinia, Diodora lamellose, Hiatellid, arcid, Cardiid - fine oval, "lepton" globose, mytilid - smooth central, ?Pitas section, Semele - lamellose, Glycodonta, tellin -pink rays, limid - elongate - tumid.
SB#50: 9.75 miles E of Louisa Bay, Dirk Hartog I, Shark Bay, WA; 25°46'S; 113°16'E; 9.5 fm. try net; prawns! Molluscs - live taken: Philine, Paphia, Annachlamys, Chlamys asperrimus, Euplica - red siphon, Mitrella, Cuttlefish 2 spp. Dead taken: Ostrea sp., Turbo haynesi - turquoise, Atrina, ?Zonatia, solecurtid/

Expedition to Shark Bay region dredging and surveying marine mollusc species. Book 2.
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