Full Record

Shirley Slack-Smith : [Field notebook] : Shark Bay (1) [02/05/1981-09/05/1981]
Record no:
Call no:
[ 114] p. ; 17 cm.
Expedition to Shark Bay region dredging and surveying marine mollusc species. Book 1.

[Abridged summary of dates, locales and specimens observed/collected follows]
Departed Perth MMA 07.00hr. Loisette Marsh, Clay Bryce & myself, arrived Carnarvon abt 8.10 hrs. [...] where we boarded the 'Flinders'. John McCarthy was on board as skipper (Ron Duckrell on L5 Leave) with mate Ron ___ - on temporary employment (professional fisherman), John ____ engineer & Jim ____ cook. [...] So we left after lunch & had a choppy trip across to Bernier Island where we stopped about 8 miles off Red Cliff Point for our first station.

2-V-81 cont.
SB#D1: ENE of Red Cliff Point - 24°52'S 113°17.5'E; 13.5 fathoms; rectangular net dredge; 1515hrs (8 minutes at about 1 knot); 180°; bottom of sand & shell rubble. Live & dead Melo(juvenile), Dentalium ? javanum (large, greenish) D. sp (4 cornered) D. sp (8? cornered), SunettaCirce, Tellina (red ranged) & Crassatellids. dead Amusium(+++), Annachlamys ++++, Plicatula ++, Circe ++, Crassatella +, Pecten +, Chlamys +, Dosinia +. Decatopecten +, Paphia, Strombus campbelli, Ancilla, Anadora, Carditid, Nassariid, Solecurtus, Euchelus, Neotrigania, Monilea, Trisides etc.
2-V-81 cont.
SB#D2: a little S of D1. ENE of Red Cliff Point, Bernier I; 24°53.3'S; 113°17.5'E; 11.5 fathoms dredged; 1546 hrs (8 minutes at about 1 knot 180°); bottom of sand & shell rubble, a little seagrass & algae, worm tubes, few sponges & starfish (Astropecten).  Live Chlamys +++, Dosinia, Circe, Pinna,  Neotrigania, Anadara, Fragum, Crassatella, Liotia, ?fasciolariid, Trisides, Paphia, Placamen, Tapes, Amusium. dead pyramidellids, buccinids (?), mitrids, Crassatella, Annachlamys, Glycymeris, Circe, Venerids ++, Ostrea folium.
SB#D3: E of Red Cliff Pt, Bernier I; 24°54'S; 113°17.75'E; 12.25 fathoms; 1624 hrs (10 minutes at about 1 knot 170°); bottom of sand, shell rubble & shells. live & dead Chlamys, Amusium, Neotrigonia, Crassatella, muricid, Strombus campbelli, Anadara, Placamen, Circe, Tellina, Liotia, Dentalium ? javanium, small Pinna. dead Annachlamys, Paphia or Callista, Antigona, ? fasciolariid, Pecten, Cardita, Glycodonta ?, Mactrid, ? Psammobiid (large bright yellow), tellins (many spp.), Decatopecten, Plicatula, venerid, Ostrea folium ?. We stopped for the night in the shelter of Red Cliff Pt - one other boat was there - yacht - sloppy with swell swinging around corner.
Travelled S to an area off Castle Point, Dorre I.
SB#D4: ENE of Castle Pt, Dorre I; 25°07.2'S; 113°07.9'E; 6.5 fathoms; 0922 hours (10 minutes at approx 1 knot, 170°), bottom of sea grasses (Posidonia & Amphibolus - full net!). live Ethminolia ++++, Cantharidus ++++. Chitons (few), Cardiid (fragile), Chlamys, Naticids, Cronia, Pterynotus, Turbo (bright turquoise & brown soft parts), pyramidellids (2 spp), turrids, Phasianella (2 spp?), Euplica (v few), Amusium, Tapes, Fragum, oysters (Ostrea folium?), v. juvenile Annachlamys, live Hapalochlaena (? maculosa) & Octopus sp (greenish -> brownish). dead: Decatopecten, Plicatula, Pinna (?live), Chione or (Glycodonta), Cardita, mitrids, Venerids (Pitarinae), naticid (large, banded), Bulla, cardiid (fragile).
3-V-81 (cont).
We then went a little south to where the echo sounder showed more shallow & uneven bottom & had a diving station.
SB#5 (diving): E of Castle Point, Dorre I; 25°08'S; 113°08'E, 11m; ?1200 hours; sand, scattered sea grasses (Posidonia & Halophila (large wide leaf)) lots of worm tubes few clumps of coral (v small) with crabs in them. 1 curious sea snake around my legs. Oysters on Turban & Trochus shells. Chlamys on worm tubes. Decatopecten on surface, Glycodonta(?) on surface (& molar?), Hapalochlaena ?maculosa, Melo (large), Astropecten crawling over surface, Pterynotus, Agneusia, buccinids, lots of buried heart urchins & few biscuit urchins, lots of regular urchins (3 spp). good dive. Afterwards processed amterial - moved S to N tip of Dirk Hartog I, E of C. Inscription - motor on rubber dinghy woudln't behave - Clay & John (engineer) worked on it. Anchored off beach for night. Light over stern attracted squid (?Loligo) - changed colour fron transparent blue to white with pink stripe to bright rose to orange.
After finishing the processing of yesterdays material Clay, Loisette & I went up to & around C. Inscription in Zodiac & then came back to just E of the Cape.
SB#6: Cape Inscription; 25°29'S; 112°58.7'E, 3-5m; ?1030 hrs, diving sand with coral & limestone reefs. There was a strong SE wind blowing & a strong current from the east. Reef much dissected, rising from a mobile sandy bottom abruptly to limestone reefs about 2m higher - plenty of coral, soft corals some algae (Asparagopsis & other reds plus a very little Caulerpa - flat serrated "leaves") [sketch of caulerpa]. Some gorgonias under ledges (3 spp?) some hydrozoous Stylaster & some stinging hydroids hytocorpus etc with small pteriids attached. P. zebra & a small "Austropteria" on a hydroid with colonial anemones growing periodically all over it. Live molluscs: "Pteria" zebra (see above), Austropteria (see above), Chamids, Spondylids. many Ostrea folium ++++ (under ledges), Hyotissa hyotis ++ (some large none detached some under ledges & some ontop of reefs), Hyotissa sp ? (only 1 seen not coll.), Tonna ? chinensis in sand under rock, collumbellids ++ (short squat rounded), fasciolariids, mitrids 2spp, Mitra ticaonica, Turbo pitholatus (smooth), Tectus + (on top of reefs), Tridacna maxima ++++ on top of reefs, Streptopinna, Pinctada albina ++, Clanculus (black), Astele ? not a sponge but among oysters & comp[?] asc. & sponges, Nudibranch, Lamellariid (large) not L. niger, Haliotis squamata, Lithophaga under oysters, Hiatella oysters under encrusting comp. ascidians, Malleus, Isognomon, Coralliophila violacea, C. cosbilaris, Colubrellina granularis (correct name!), Barbatia lusca, Latirulus turritus, Mancinella mancinella, Pisania (?fasciculata), Cypraea teres, Conus lividus, Conus ? frididus (parvulus?) but WA!, Ostrea tuberculata on coral & rocks on top of reef 10, Pteria penguin. dead only: Trapezium bicarinatum, Cypraea ovibraria, Thais echinata!
4-V-81 cont.
I had gone ashore just on E side of Cape to collect beach drift. Plenty Tridacna maxima, Barbatia fusca, Barbatia ? helblingii, Tectus pyramis, Turbo (Marmarostoma) pulcher, Haliotis varia, Patellanax (Scutellastra) laticostata, Patelloida, Siphonaria, Nerita atramentosa, Cerithium, Hipponyx, Dicathais textilosa, Cronia avellona, Cantharus, Nassa francolina, Conus dorreensis, Colubrellina, Cypraea cribraria, Conus sp (large) 2 blue bands, Conus sp (small white), Modiolus, Pinctada margaritifera, Saccostrea cuccullata. ?Cardita, Spondylus sp., Periglypta orange teeth, Ventricolaria toreuma, Septifer, Coralliophila violacea, Mancinella mancinella, Ostrea folium, Cypraea helvola, Cypraea corneola, Coralliophila violacea, Strombus mutabilis, Cypraea caputserpentis, Conus glans.
4-V-81 cont.
After having one dive we decided to move eastwards (towards the Flinders) for a second dive. However the motor wouldn't start & after Clay had just about wrenched his innards out we hoisted a distress flag - a bouyancy vest on an oar - the "Flinders" saw us & came along so that Clay could row us out to them (after some problem in getting the anchor free). With the wind quite strong (15-20 knots S Easterly) we decided to skip another diving station plus the trawling stations & dredging & shore stations we had planned on the E side of Dirk Hartog I & we came directly down to Cape Bellefin where we anchored - just to the west of the point - for the night. Processed the material - too rough on the way down - in fact I was seasick - reasonably sheltered anchorage. 
We went a little SW from overnight stop to approximate position of Hamburg Expedition #22 (& took dredge & trawl samples).
SB#7 dredge: Cape Bellefin, Shark Bay WA; 26°2.25'S 113°16.6'E; 6-6.25fm (9 minutes at abt 1 knot, 210°); 0853 hrs; grey mud & shell grit - cod end of dredge was very heavy with grey mud - seived & washed this - samples retained of seivings - only live molluscs were tellins (1 or 2 spp) & a Solemya, live crabs were taken with long eye stalks - some worms & tubes. Dead shells: Tellins, Lucinids, ?Mactrids, Psammobiids, Solemya, cerithiids, ressoids, trochids - fragments, mytelids - fragments, naticids.
5-V-81 cont.
SB#8 (trawl): Cape Bellefin, Shark Bay, WA; 26°2.25'S 113°16.6'E; (10 minutes at abt 1 knot, ) 0928 hrs; trawled c try net. little algae (Laurencia) & sea grass (Posidonia) possibly (floating) detached. fish - assorted bottom spp, Squilla, Prawn - King, remains of jellyfish, squid Loligo.
SB#- diving: We were going to make a diving station here but Clay was first in & reported vv soft bottom - no visibility - no biota seen. So we changed our plans & proceeded NW towards Hamburg expedition #28 on E side of Dirk Hartog I. On the way we took a try net trawl in the channel. 
SB#9: WNW of Cape Bellefin; 29°59.25'S 113°14.8'E; 8 fathoms. fish, 2 spp holothurian, 1 squid (Loligo)
5-V-81 cont.
SB#10: E of Homestead Pt, Dirk Hartog I, Shark Bay, WA. Silty sand with worm(?) & fish(?) holes - no alga or sea grasses, few dead shells (v. poor visibility approx. 10cm). Gafrarium (live), Circe, Cultellus, Dosinia, Tapes, Pinna, Solecurtid, Paphia, Acrosterigma, Cardid fragile, Corbula (live), tellinid (small), bivalve ? family, thaid?, mytilid, Cerithiis Bittium?, Monilea, Strombus campbelli, Cantharus, Nassarius (live).
5-V-81 cont.
SB#11: E of Homestead Point, (Dirk Hartog I) Shark Bay WA; dredge; sand, gravel & shell grit & broken shells. dead (except where stated), Anadara antiquata(?) semifossil?, Tapes, Dosinia, Paphia, Pecten, Gafrarium, Circe, psammobiid, Anadara sp (wide spaced ribs), Solecurtid & alive, Cobula & alive, Culttelus & alive, Mytilid, Tellin sp. & alive, Thraciid ? (nacreous inside), ?Tellin sp., Pinna (fragile), Fragum fragum, Cerithiid Bittium?, Cantharus ?, Monilea, Nassarius & alive, tellin sp., Mactrid.
5-V-81 cont.
SB#12: dredge. Penecillius, Halophilla & perhaps Posidonia. Live: Gafrarium ++, Monilea +, Cantharidus, Ectosium, Chione (Glycodonta) marica ++, Chitons. Dead: Tapes, Tellina (Tellinella), Tellina sp1, Pilarinae, Paphia, Naticid, Solecurtid, Tellinids abt 3 more spp, Circe.
5-V-81 cont.
SB#13: diving; silty sand c Halophila CB. Live: Polinices conicus, Turbo, Gibbula?, parasitic Eulinid on Astropecten preissi, Chiton, Aglaja. Dead: Tapes, Pinna (?Atrina)
5-V-81 cont.
SB#14: Nodilittorina, Morula, Nassarius, Cerithiid, Trochid, Stomatella, Chitons, Bulla ampulla, Fragum unedo, Acrosterigma reeveanum, Pecten, Pinctada albina, Tapes 2 spp?, Strombus campbelli, Vulsella live, Mytilidae 2 spp? live 1 intertidal 1 subtidal, Haliotis squamata, Mactrid, Fragum fragum, Antigona live, Cronia live, Cantharidus live, mitrid, Gena live, Parcanassa, Herpetopoma live, Drupa? live, Pinctada (few) live), lurrid, chiton, leptonids from oysters, S. cuccullata lower sae with sharp edge postero-ventrally S commercialis sl. higher (& overlap) (same c very dark lips to lower valve), Cerithium aluco? (white ribbed), Septifer - intertidal under rocks, Planaxis - high intertidal - Cerithiid - black & grey, Monodonta labio - high intertidal. Plants: - inshore - fine seagrass Zostera? Sargassum V fine - v small balls. Zonaria, a little offshore Amphibolus. 
Left overnight station NW of C Bellefin & Clay, Louisette & I went in Zodiac around sand bank (ie N & E & then S) into Useless Inlet. - we were very slow because only one cylinder of outboard was working , & also very cold because of waves & stray wind from SE.
SB#15: Useless Inlet, Shark Bay WA; approx 3m; mixed bottom (Posidonia - Laurencia weed beds, sand patches c sponges & bryozoa, & sand & shell fragments); 3 dredgings of approx 5 mins each from 0947-1025 hrs.; (344 on C. Bellefin, 158 on C. Heirisson, 155 on Rocky Headland on Heirisson Prom.); Catch of sponges, compound ascidians, long dead Breynia, bryozoan clumps & serpulid worms (fine). Molluscs: live; Turbo (turquoise), Cantharidus, Cerithiid (Biltium?), Gafrafrium, Chitons, Carditid, Fragram hemicardium, Cantharus, slipper limpet. Dead only; Cultellus, Solecurtid, Circe sulcata alscripta, Tellina (Tellimella?), mytilid, Anadara, Fulvia (fragile), Tapes, tellinids (small 3 spp?), Corbula, Pitarine (Callista?), drupe, Pecten (long dead), Bassina. Also took some small leatherjackets & some small ? scorpionids
SB#16 Useless Inlet, Shark Bay, WA, off Bellefin Peninsula; sand bank with shells & shell rubble & limestone rubble. 2 dredgings. Astropecten. Molluscs: live; Bassina, Cerithium fasciatum, vermetids, venerids (Chion juv.), carditids, Circe, Naticids. dead only; Tellina (Tellinella?), Tellina spp (3?), Ostrea sp (?folium), Dosinia 2 spp, Pinctada albina, Gafrarium, Fragum hemicardium, ?Thraciid, Divaricella, mytilid, Callista, Circe, Chama, Pitarinid!, Gomphina (long dead), Carditid (long dead), Fragum erugatum, Dentalium (smooth), Crepidula.
SB#17: Chennel at N end of Useless Inlet, Shark Bay WA (between Hamburg Exped. #18 & #19); approx 6m; box dredge; 3 dredging each of 5 minutes from 1145hrs to 1210hrs; shell rubble, sponge, soft coral & sea grass; (C. Bellefin 328°, C. Heirisson 381°); Sea grass - flat, opp. branches; Molluscs: live taken; Chama sp, Corbula, ?slipper limpets? (round, conical), Scutus - juvenile, Herpetopoma, Chitons, ? Ostrea. dead taken only; Chlamys. Annachlamys, Pecten, Paphia ,Tapes, Costacallista, Circe sp (?scripta)(2 spp?), Anadara, Decatopecten, Pilcatula, Antigona(?), Gafrarium, Turbo, mytilid, cardiid, Liotia, Pterynotus, Antigona lamellaris, Stomatella, Cantharidus.
SB#18: Useless Inlet; Shark Bay WA - shallow bank on W side of N end of Heirisson Prong (E of SB#17); 1m; guilty[quilty?] sand with Posidonia, Amphibolus & Penecillus beds; 5 minute dredge, 1220 hors; direction 270° approx. Molluscs: live taken; Pinctada albina (adult & juv.), Fragum hemicardium, Cerithium fasciatum, Gafrarium, mytilid (large), Chama, Chiton, Lamellaria. dead taken only; Ostrea folium, Tellina staurella, Tellina (3 spp), Bassina/Placamen, Pinna, Strombus campbelli, Euplica, Circe 2 spp?, Liotia, Crepidula, Tapes, drupe, Cantharidus, vermetid, Carditid (2 spp), mytilid (small ribbed), Turbo (turquoise), Laternula fragment, Dentalium, turrid.
SB#19: At entrance to Useless Inlet, Shark Bay, WA - (between C. Heirisson & C. Bellefin; 3m; Box dredge, 2 dredging of 5 minutes each between 1324 & 1339 hrs; sand & weed (dead Posidonia, live flat sea grass, v little Halophila, Penecillus), Temnopleuras alexandria, Stichopus (red brown). Molluscslive taken; Strombus campbelli, Turbo (turquoise), Gafrarium (juv. & adult), Chlamys, Fragum hemicardium. dead taken only; Tellina spp (3?), solecuritid, mytilid (2 or 3 spp), Tapes, Paphia, Carditid, Tellina (Tellinella), Cerithium (? Bittium), Ostrea sp., Solecurtus, Euchelus, Euplica, Monilea, Cerithium fasciatum.
See sheet c details of Hamburg Exped. Stations
SB#20: E of Sunday I, off Dirk Hartog I, Shark Bay WA; 26°7.5'S; 113°14.4E; (?slightly N of Hamburg Exped. #26); 2m; 1550 hours onwards; sand & shell rubble; Weed (Laurencia, Caulerpa (long grapes), dead Posidonia; box dredge. Molluscs: live taken; Cantharidus ++++, Euplica ++, Liotia ++, Turbo (turquoise). dead taken only; Cerithium fasciatum, Ancanthopterus, Fragum hemicardium, naticid, pyramidellids (2 spp), Strombus cambelli, Terebra, turrids, Umboniid (Ethminolia?), Cerithium (?Bittium), Towna, Crepidula, Cronia, Fulvia, Tellina (Tellinella), Circe, Tellina sp, Glycodonta, Grafrarium, Carditid, Tapes, ?Pinna, Ostrea.
SB#21: W of Sunday I, off Dirk Hartog I, Shark Bay, WAl 26°7.5'S 113°14.0'E;2-3m; sand & weed (Amphibolus, Sargassum, Laurencia, Asparagopsis, Caulocystis) & shell fragments; 1623 hrs onwards; weed (Amphibolus, Caulocystis, Laurencia, Asparagopsis). Molluscs: live taken; Cronia, Turbo (turquoise), Cantharidus sp1 ++++, Cantharidus sp 2, Euplica ++ (2 spp?). dead taken; Bulla (2 spp), Crepidula, Liotia, Tectus pyramis, Gomphina undulosa, Pinna juv. fine ribbed, carditid, Fulvia, Ostrea sp?
SB#22: W of Sunday I, off Dirk Hartog I, Shark Bay, WA - in sheltered shallow bay; 26°7.5'S 113°14.2'E, sand & weed (Laurencia, Eucheuma (fine) Boodlea, & crustose coralline clumps. weed (Laurencia, Boodlea) Archaster angulalis, Plesiastrea versipera. Molluscs: live taken; Pinna, Naticid (2 spp), Euplica, Liotia, Cantharidus 2 spp, Monitea, Turbo (turqouise), Strombus campbelli. dead taken only; mytilids ( 1 mooth, 1 ribbed), Gafrarium, Tellina 2 spp, Chlamys, Tapes, Tellina (Tellinella), Fragum erugatum, Bassina, Glycodonta, Fragum hemicardium, Ostrea sp., Septifer, Chloridiloma zeus, Cerithium fasciatum, pyramidellid, Cerithium (?Bittium), Aulicina nivosa, Cypraea caputserpentis.
At afternoon radio sched John radioed Perth with telegram for WAM requesting sending power pack & for 25hp motor. We then went back to ship - skirting point opposite Sunday I. - undercut jagged limestone cliffs - only oyster seen was Saccostrea cuccullata & this in abundance forming a small ledge. The live Dicathais lextiliosa was taken firmly attached to (& possible boring into) oyster. This whelk was quite smooth - only slightly shouldered & noduled. Ship sheltered off Homestead Point, Dirk Hartog I. for night.
Clay, Louisette & I left early in Zodiac with 9hp motor belonging to F↑W.
SB#23: N of Homestead Point, Dirk Hartog I, WA; 25°58.25'S, 113°11.0'E; at edge & onto sand & weed bank; 1-5m, 4 dredgings of 5 minutes each between 0836 hts & 1015 hrs. Variable bottom - sand & coral rubble - algal beds (Laurencia & algal turf) - weed beds (Posidonia Amphibolus & Halophila); Pentacta anceps, Archaster juvenile, Breynia fragment, Protoreaster. Molluscs: live taken; Phasianella, Cerithium fasciatum, Cerithium sp (black & white), Strombus campbelli, Euplica, Cantharidus (2 spp?), Rhinoclavis vertagus, Pinctada albina, Chama +++, Gafrarium (large & small), Glycodonta, Septifer, mytilid (ribbed), Fragum hemicardium. dead taken only; Monilea, Josepha, Cerithium (?Bittium), Bulla 2 spp, vermetid, Umboniid (?Ethminolia), Crepidula, Trochus, Chloridiloma zeus, Liotia, naticid, turrid, Cantharus, Nassarius, Tellins  (2-3 spp), Plicatula, Chlamys, Solecurtid, mactrid, Tapes, Fragrum unedo, Paphia (2 spp?), Barbatia, Pilarine, Ostrea folium, Corbula, Tellinella +++, Cultellus, Pinna long dead, carditid, Bassina.
Returned to ship to early luncg - went N towards end of Dirk Hartog I. Clay, Louisette & I set off from the ship - anchored SE of C. Levillain - towards Levillain Shoals - using 9hp outboard - It failed so we returned & changed to 25hp ( still on 1 cylinder) & went off to Shoals to dredge - sea calm!
SB#24: Levillain Shoals, E of C. Levillain, Dirk Hartog I, WA; 24°30.6'S 113°1.5'E; 3-6m; 2 dredgings each of 5 minutes from 1445 hours onwards; sand with ripple makrs; v sparse Zostera (very sparse biota). Molluscs: live taken; Sunetta small elongate pale, Cantharidus sp., Phasianella sp., Zafra sp.
We then moved in towards Cape Levillain & became aware that there was a very strong current flowing out of bay - strong chop at meeting of currents off Cape. Decided discretion was required - turned S to dredge off beach. 
SB#25: E of C. Levillain, Dirk Hartog I, WA; channel just off beach & parallel to it - dredging for 5 minutes from 1535 hours; sand & weed (Posidonia Amphibolus Zonaria & v fine jointed coralline); 3m; box dredge. Breynia fragments. Molluscs: live taken; Gomphonia undulosa +++, Euplica. dead taken; Cypraea sp., Cerithiid - short squat brown, mytilid (ribbed).
Clay then put Louisette & me ashore on beach. 
"Cape Levillain, Dirk Hartog I, WA - beach drift, E side of Cape 15.45 hrs". Steep-to beach, coarse sand; constant small surf & strong near-shore current to north, many large yellow ghost crabs. Dead taken Molluscs: Melo & egg case, Trochus, Tonna chinensis, T. variegata, Ovula ovum, Stomatella phymotis, Scutellastra, Clanculus (brown), Haliotis squamata, Cypraea caputserpentis, C. helvola, Cypraea sp., Bulla campulla ?, B. botanica ?, Angaria tyria, Tectus pyramis, Dicathais, Cerithium (2 spp?), Oliva, Manilea, Crepidula, cymatiid, Siphonaria, Diodora, Phasianella, Donax, Spondylus 2 spp, Pinnam, Septifer, mytilids 3 spp ( 1 ribbed 2 smooth), Sunetta (small pale & long), Tapes (fawn & brown), Barbatia fusca, B. helblingii, Arca, Glycymeris, Carditid, Gomphina, mactrid, Ventricolaria, Trapezium bicarinatum, Pinctada albina, Ostrea folium, Epicodakia bella, Chlamys cf squamosa, Chlamys sp., Chama, Fragum unedo, F. hemicardium, Aerosterigma, turtle nests.
Meanwhile Clay had taken another dredge haul.
SB#26: E of Cape Levillain, Dirk Hartog I, WA; sand & low reef with weed (Zonaria, Sargassum, Amphibolus & v fine jointed coralline); 3-4m; 5 minute dredging from 1550 hrs. Regular urchin (small). Molluscs: live taken; Phasianella, Gomphina, Glycymeris juveniles?, Glycodonta, Euplica, Sunetta sp. small pale long, Sunetta sp larger darker rounder. dead taken; mytilid, lucinid (heavy large rounded), Divaricella, mactrid, Fragum hemicardium, umboriid ?Ethminolia.
We returned to ship - against strong current - ship moved S to NE of Pt Louisa - try net- 3 hauls.
SB#27: NE of Louisa Point, Dirk Hartog I, Shark Bay WA; 25°44 to 25°45.4'S; 113°8.6'E; 3 trawls with try net from 1900 hrs onwards, 11 fms. Assorted fish, prawns, crabs, "Balmain bugs", Squilla. Molluscs: live taken; Annachlamys +++++, Chlamys +, Amusium +, Cuttlefish, 2 spp Dumpling squid - dark spots - colourless patches. dead taken; Paphia, Tapes, Fragum hemicardium, cardiid, Trisidos semitorta, + Temnopleurus alexandri, Stichopus sp., Ophiothrix ? ciliaris, 2 large starfish. 
Anchored off Louisa Bay for night.
Louisette, Clay & I left the ship (which had come in fairly close to shore) - in Zodiac with 9hp motor. Went in to N side of point at S end of Louisa Bay, - sea fairly rough - & very turbid.
SB#28: Louisa Bay, E side of Dirk Hartog I, WA - point at S end; intertidal rocks & sand - 2m. plus dead material off & on beach. Undercut limestone cliff with boulders & roks at base; high turbidity. Sargassum, Zonaria, Dictyota, fine jointed corallines & algal turf. (V little Valonia, c little Caulerpa peltata) Turbinaria sp, Goniastrea, Protoreaster, soft corals - live Breynia. Molluscs: live taken; Haliotis squamata, H. varia, Diodora sp, Gena sp., Monodonta labio, Acmea sp. from oysters, Euchelus, Siphonaria sp., Tectus pyramis, Chitons, Cryptochiton, Lithophaga sp., Ostrea sp., Isognomon sp., Pinna sp. many in sheltered sand, Chama sp., Saccostrea cuccullata, S. sf cf commercialis (few, higher), Pinctada albina, Epicodakia bella (?live), Dosinia, mytilids small ribbed. dead only; Melo sp., Cantharus, Phasianella, Euplica, Monilea, Chloridiloma zeus, Nassarius rufula?, Cypraea caputserpentis, Nerita atramentosa, Cerithium squat black & white spots, Strombus campbelli, ?Austrocohlea rudis, Trochus sp., Cantharidus sp. (ordinary), Cerithium fasciatum, Turbo, Turbo (turquoise), Dentalium smooth large, carditid, Tapes ( 2 spp?), Tellina (Tellinella?), Gomphina undulosa, Fragum unedo, Mactra, tellins, Decatopecten, Antigona sp., Antigona lamellaris, Vulsella, Paphia, Bassina, Periglypta ? (white teeth), Latemula, Crassatella, Dosinia 2 spp., Cultellus, Spondylus ( red lip), Chlamys, Barbatia fusca, Fragum hemicardium, Annachlamys leopardus, Pecten, Anodontia, Gafrarium, Mytilid large smooth.
We then went into shallow water off beach to dredge from Zodiac.
SB#29: Louisa Bay, E side of Dark Hartog I, WA; 1-2.5m; sand-weed beds (Amphibolus); box dredge; 2 dredgings between 1116 hrs & 1138 hours. Molluscs: live taken; Euplica, Monilea, Philine, Cerithium (?Bittium), ? Zafra sp. (small), Gafrarium, Fragum unedo juveniles, Glycodonta, Sunetta (large), Tellina (Pinguitellina) robusta, Callista. Dead taken only; Parcanassa, Bulla, ? Scaphander, Tellina (Tellinella), Bassina, Tapes, Dosinia sp large, Dosinia sp small, Chama sp., Cultellus, Divaricella, Mactra spp (2?), tellins.
We then went further offshore to what looked like a sandy but deeper area & dredged but got hung up on coral clumps on the first 2 dredgings.
SB#30: Louisa Bay, E side of Dirk Harktog I, WA; 3-4m; sand & weed (Amphibolus, Zonaria, Sargassum) & coral; 3 dredgings between 1158 hrs & 1220 hours; base dredge. Acropora, TurbinariaFavites, soft coral. Protoreaster (live), Breynia (dead). Molluscs: live taken; Phasianella, Euplica, Cantharidus sp. short conical, Cantharidus sp. high conical green, Turbo (turquoise) juvenile, mytilid small green, Ostrea sp., Lithophaga in dead coral. dead taken; Nassarius.
We returned to ship, had lunch & then set off eastwards to a point S of try net station of last night. 
SB#31: E of Louisa Bay. E side of Dirk Hartog I, WA; 25°46.6'S; 113°8.5'E; rectangular dredge & net; 9.75 fathom; 1328 hrs for 10 minutes; coarse sand, shell grit & dead shells. 
LuidiaPentactaMetrodiva, Cydoseris (dead). Molluscs: live taken; Ostrea sp. juvenile, Annachlamys, Corbula, Cultellus, Tellina (Pinguitellina) robusta, mytilid - fragile- , Antigona lamellaris, Circe scripta, Gafrarium, Paphia, Chama, Strombus campbelli, Nassarius, Dentalium javanium, Dentalium (small). dead only; Pinna, tellins small (3 or 4 spp), Amusium, Tapes ( 2 spp?), Dosinia (2 spp?), Chlamyus asperrimus, C. squamata, C. finnebris ? (small red), ?Zenatia (elongate mictrid), Fulvia (2 spp), Pecten, Anadara ?velicata, Anadara sp., Gastrochaenid on Decatopecten, Decatopecten, solecurtid, Fragrum hemicardium, psammobiids, Tellins (diassate yellow), Tellins (deep [sketch of shell?]), mytilids (brown smooth light), ? Fragum (Afrocardium)- spined, ?thraciid (nacreous), Pitas, Glycodonta, ?Chione, cardiid (small), Plicatula, Chama, Trisidos semitorta Crepidula, Polinices conias, ? Catharidus (large, heavy), ? Cantharus (purple mouth), Lassariid (ribbed, decussate), turrid, Morulea.
SB#33: NW endo of Denham Channel, Shark Bay, WA; 25°54.3'S; 113°08.4'E; 5-6 fathom; coarse sand & shell grit; rectangular dredge & net; (near to site of Hamburg Expedition #17).
ArchasterAstropectenBreynia, Cycloseris (dead). Molluscs live taken: Corbula, Sunetta ++++ large, Dosinia brown & white - damaged, Paphia, 30 live Glycymeris sp dark brown, 62 live Glycymeris sp light brown spotted, Costacallista, Tellina (pink striped), Dentalium smooth, Strombus campbelli. dead taken: machids small, Decatopecten, Astrea sp, psammobiid, Chlamys asperrinus, mytilids (small fragile smooth), Chama juvenile, Dosinia small, Pecten, Glycodonta sp1 juvenile, ?Glycodonta sp2 adults, Plicatula, tellins (? spp), Cardiid juvenile, Astrea sp., ?Pinna fragment, Annachlamys v. juvenile, limid v small - elongate- tumid, fragum hemicardium (red spots), Turbo sp (turquoise), Scutus (black), Cantharidus (large, heavy), Euplica, ? Bulla juvenile? gragment, ? Stomatellid. 
We then came into Denham where Clay collected parts for 25hp outboard which had been flown up to Fisheries Inspector. We anchored offshore for night - Clay, John McCarthy & Ron went ashore for evening. John Patterson fixed up outboard, Louisette & I wrote up notes etc. (I sent letter to Jane etc). Clay delivered Kodachrome boxes to Mrs Bassett - Arthur wasn't here & she didn't know anything about fossils to be collected for George Kendrick.
We set off from Denham & went westwards (with a bit of slow travelling over hard to see channel) to the approximate site of Hamburg Expedition #2.
SB#34: 4 miles W of Lagoon Point, Shark Bay, WA; 25°55.5'S; 113°26.4'E; to 25°54.7'S to 25°55.6'S; 4.5-5.25 fathoms; 0940 to 0958 hrs; 2x5 minute hauls with rectangular dredge; sand with dense weed banks of Amphibolus, Zonaria & small red epiphytes. Archaster, Protoreaster, Astropecten, Breynia, Peronella, & 3 spp holothurians, & Turbinaria small colonies. 
Molluscs, live taken: Corbula, Astrea, Sunetta, Chama, Spondylus, Arca, Decatopecten juv., Plicatula, Pinguitellina, Pinna fragments, Monilea, Cantharidus short, Cantharidus long, Liotia, Euplica, Drupe, Angaria (adult&juv.), Phasianella, pyramidellid, umboniid (Monilea?), ?Phasianotrochus (minute pink & green), ?Cyclopharid. Dead taken: Chlamys asperrimus, Annachlamys, Fragum hemicardium, F. unedo? or erugatum? juv., Ventricolaria, Costacallista, Glycodonta, Tellin elongate - pink rays, tellin - minute translucent & estrate - concave post/D margin, Circe, Antigora, Divaricella, ?leptonid - transparent -flat, ?leptonid - decussate, lucinid - fairly strong conc. lirae or lamellae, ?Epicodakia (minute), Venerid - small zig zag, Mytilid (?Musculus nanus)(minute), carditid (minute), ?Acrosterigma dupucheuse, mactrid- (minute), Phasianellid-minute-pink spot, Diala-fine lines, Bulla botanica, Crepidula, rissoids - minute (?>1spp), shelled opisthobranchs (Scaphander?), naticid, nassariid (short, squat), Diala minute, Hypotrochus, turrid.
(to Book 2)
[List of species and numbers follow]
Keleya ?rotunda 15 20, Carcareus pusillus n sp 3, Solecardia minima n sp. 3, Chama reflexa 1 3 7 15 19 21, C. nivalis 3 7 8, Cardium flavum 7, C. hemicardium 3, Antigona chemnitzii 21, Callista impar 4 5, Clausinella berryi 4, Chione squamosa 4, Venerupa iris 5, Tellidora sp 14, Mesodesma glabratum 5, Gastrochaema tunidula 14 15,  
Arca navicula 3 9, A. decussata 25, A (Trisides) tortuosa 19, Lithophaga reticulata 14 25 26 28, Musculus cumingianus 14, M. nanulus n sp 7 10 14 15 16 21 23, Brachidontes subramosis 4 5, B. bilocularis 25,Pteria carchariarum 3 5 20 29, P. vulgaris 22 23, Vulsella vulsella 14 15, Crenatula nigrina 21, Malleus malleus 14 23, Pinna bicolar 5 21, Lina ?pusilla 3, Pecten asperrimus 9 21, P. leopardus 2 21, P. dringi 10, Cardita crassicostata 1 16, Tridacna elongata 25, Diplodonta rosacea n sp 15, Phacoides (Parvilacina) periformis n sp 3, 
Pyrene (?Astyris) clausiformis 25, Columbella versicola 3 5 7 8 14 22 23 25 28, Pseudomycla? moleculina 1, Pisanea ignea SB, Cantharus fumosus 3 7 28, Semifusus (Megalatractus) proboscidifeus 28, Nassa albina n sp 25, N minutila n sp 3 7, Mitra ampharella 25, Aulica nivosa 5 7, Cymbium flamneum 5, Persicula dentiformis n sp 7, Turris albina SB, Brochytama alina 3 7, Conus pontificalis 25, Ophysia gigantea 5 29, Aplysia gigantea 5 29, A. annulifera 25, Siphonaria sp. 5
Amalthea conica 25, Crepidula aculeata 3 7 13 14 16 20 21 23, Strombus floridus 23 25, S. australis SB, Natica marochiensis 25, N. sagittata 25, N zonulata n sp 25, Lamellaria sp 28, Pustularia helvola SB, Dolium variegata 25, Cronia avellana 23 25 28, Drupa aspera SB, D. margariticola 3 7, D. ricinus SB, Thais aegrata 25, Coralliobia madreporaram SB, Pyrene menkeana ? 9, P. fuscolineata n sp 8 15 19, P. sagittifera n sp 23, P. abyssicola 7 10 25, P (Zafra) hedleyi n sp 3 13 19 20 21, P(Z) vereoi n sp 3 7 13 23 28 30
Cerithiopsis stylifera n sp 24, C. cingulifera n sp 23, C. abbreviata n.sp 15, Triphora castaneofusca nsp 3, T. subulata n sp 1 3 9 12 14 16 20, T. alboapicala n sp 16 20, T elata n sp 25, T. adela n sp. 25, T albina n sp 1, Scala tumidula n sp 3, Strombiformis australiensis n sp 3 7, Malanella modesta nsp 7, M. helena n sp 23, M. elsa nsp 16, Chrysallida australis n sp 3 12 20, C. ovalis nsp 21, Odostomia perspicua 8, Stylopyramis cerilliocles 3 23, Turbonilla planilata 19
Vitrinella cingulifera? 3, Planaxis sulcatus 5, Finella pupoides 3, Scaliola caledonica 1 12, Diala pusilla sp 1 3, D michaelseni n sp 14, D. varia 3 14 16, D. lirulata n sp 3 12 20, Alaba vibex 7 19 21 28, Plesiotrochus crinitus n sp. 3 12, Cerithium australiense 13, C. liratum n sp 19, Bittum minutylum n sp 3, C. bilubiciculatum SB, C. asperum 5, C. morus 5, Melaxia fuscoapicta n sp. 10, Cerithiopsis albula nsp 1 3, C perlinga nsp 7, C brunnea nsp 19, 
Haliotis roei SB, Scutus unguis 10 16 28, Diodora plicifera nsp 1, D. rugosa nsp 3 15, D. ovalis nsp 1 14, D. nigropunctata nsp 5 7, Patella neglecta 25, Acmea sp SB, Euchelus atratus 1 3 10 14 16 19 21 25 28, Tallorbis roseolus 25, Calliostoma modestum n sp 19 28, Acmea calamus SB, Cantharidus flindersi 5, C. freyeinela 7 22 25 28, C. decoratus 4, C. tristis n sp 4, Chrysostoma obtus=zeus 9, Trochus abeliscus 3 7 25, Monilea lentiginosa 29
Stomatia baconi 23, S. sculpturata 3 9, Gona nubulosa 25 26 28, Angaria delphinis 3 7 8 25, Teinostoma lucidum 14, Liotia peronii 3 19 22, Bothropoma decoratum 12, Turbo petholatus 30, T pulcher 25, T menkei 3 21, A lentorium 25, Phasianella angosi 7, Nerita melanotragus 23 25, Smaragdia roseopicta n sp 7, Tectarius rugosus 25, Cingula intermedia n sp 9, Cingula nitidula 19, Alvania hedleyi n sp 23, Rissoina triticea 25, R. crebrecostata sp 25

Expedition to Shark Bay region dredging and surveying marine mollusc species. Book 1.
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