Full Record

Shirley Slack-Smith : [Field notebook] : Eastern States [26/12/1980-25/02/1981]
Record no:
Call no:
[41] p. ; 21 cm.
Daily diary of travel through SA, Vic, NSW and Qld. Companion piece to FN309, with additional detail on collecting.

Perth->Gosford->Brisbane->Gosford->Austimner->Snowy Mtns->Melbourne->Perth
[Abridged summary of dates, locales and specimens observed/collected follows]
Departed WAM at 1.25 [...] Reached camp east of Southern Cross about 8.30pm - good camp well in from highway on school bus ruenoff to north.

Fairly late start at 9.40am. Stopped a few km S of Widgiemooltha for lunch. - collected dead snail shells & weevil in litter. Stopped for night at rest Area 5km E of Emergency phone 68km W of Caiguna.
Departed at 8.06 (Western time) - 8.51 border time. Stopped for coffee abt 1km E of Cocklebiddy Roadhouse on S side of road - on unofficial rest area not marked by a sign - suitable for camp. Found live & dead Bothriembryon in leaf litter - aestivating - free & attached. also found dead Augasella & dead "pupillids" (2 spp) the sinistral one being rare. Collected a large wolf spider dead large beetles, weevils etc. Stopped at top of Madura Pass on S side of road - Bothriembryon (2 forms) Camaenids 2 spp & 1 sp of pupillid in litter & soil under limestone boulders. Stopped at Madra (7km past S/Stn) for lunch. Stopped at Eucla for fuel (added 45 minutes to watches). Stopped at first lookout past border (13km past) - collected Sinumelon alive & dead Angasella dead (v fine lamellae) live pupillids (3 spp?) & live laomids & pseudoscorpions & beetles on stones in litter under shrubs on slope. Stopped for night at most easterly lookout.
Late departure (about 10.30) often collecting snails & taking photos etc. Stopped to examine wombats warrens about 48km E of last nights camp - collected skulls & jaws (& a couple of other bones forJane). All shells found seemed to be semi-fossils - particularly around warrens. (1 Bothriembryon, 2 or 3 Camaenids) Stopped for lunch 11.5km W of Nullabor S/Stn. - found Bothriembryon shells (1 sp), ? 3 spp "pupillids" but no camaenids were seen.
[Only dates listed next several pages]
2-i-81 to 4-i-81 Gosford
5-i-81 - Eric Worrell's Reptile Park. Gosford -> just E of Barrinton Top NP.
6-i-81 - Gloucester Tops in Barrington. Tops NP
7-i-81 - Barrington Tops NP -> just N of Armidale
8-i-81 - Armidale -> Brisbane (-> Tingalpa)
9-i-80 - Brisbane
10-i-80 - Tangalpa (Brisbane) -> Cunninghams Gap Np -> Laminton NP
Laminton Np. Obtained permit to camp from NP Ranger when arrived this morning, not very communicative. We all set off along Archid Circuit track (about 2km long) from O'Reilly's but Jane & I left Mike to continue on this circuit & photograph birds, while we went off down Blue Pool (Yerralahla) Track - 5km long to the west branch of Cunungra Creek. On way down & back found dead shells only of paryphantids (2 spp?), camaenids (2 spp - one very large) & one other high conoidal (?camaenid). The large snails had obviously been eaten by birds or mammals or perhaps reptiles - saw a couple of large skinks (?land mullets) - photo! No mussels or FW snails seen in creek, photos of Jane & vegetation & of grand orchid - white flowering - seems limited to area pf eucalypts which marks drier area of rainforest about 1/2 way downhill to valley floor which was damper again. Went walking with Maike later in afternoon westwards behind camping ground towards falls. saw ring-tailed possums & v. many pademelons & brown pidgeons. Also saw King parrots in valley. Heard dingoes howling during night. Saw large grey & white drongo pidgeon in picnic area at dusk. Photos of mountain.
Left camp at Lamington NP. Collected live camaenid (large, juvenile) & large uncarinate paryphantid.
[Assorted ntoes of plan meetings, details on inviduals, some notes on museum work to do]

Daily diary of travel through SA, Vic, NSW and Qld. Companion piece to FN309, with additional detail on collecting.
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{ 1 } items found
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Western Australian Museum
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