Full Record

"The Light of the World."
Record no:
18 July 1906
Kept:Press clippings book 2, p. 124
“The Light of the World.”—Holman Hunt’s celebrated picture “The Light of
the World” was on view in the Western Australian Museum for the last time
yesterday, when it was inspected by no fewer than 13,644 persons. The

officials state that this brings the total visitors for the week the
picture was on exhibition up to 104,584. When “The Light of the World” was
shown in Sydney it attracted about 304,000 persons in 27 days, in
Melbourne the figures were a little over 200,000 for four weeks, and in
Adelaide, where it has been exhibited on two occasions, the first for 12
days, the aggregate attendance was over 50,000. During the four days the
masterpiece was shown in Broken Hill 50,000 persons viewed it. From these
figures is obvious that many persons viewed the picture on more than one
occasion. Mr. Hallet, who has charge of the picture, commenced packing it
yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock, in readiness for shipment to Brisbane by
the steamer Kyarra to-day. In conversation with a “West Australian”
reporter last night, Mr. Hallet expressed himself as being delighted at
the little ceremony with which the picture was unveiled by Dr. Hackett,
the President of the National Gallery, and remarked that in no other State
had such a compliment been paid to the great work of art. He desired to
place on record his thanks to Mr. Bernard H. Woodward for unfailing
kindness towards him and the interest he had consistently shown in
managing the exhibition of the picture. The members of the Museum staff
worthily supported the director, and worked very hard. An intelligent
interest was taken in the picture by the visitors, the majority of whom
were not slow in expressing their appreciation. It was probable, remarked
Mr. Hallet, that when “The Light of the World” is returned to England its
owner, the Right Hon. Charles Booth, will present it to some public gallery.
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