Full Record

Mining News The Stock Exchange of Perth The Queensland Mines The Management of Gold Mines Mining in Victoria English Capital for West Australian Mining Industries Formation of Syndicates in London
Record no:
3 July 1890
Includes a letter To the Editor, 'The Management of Gold Mines' from Mr. Alfred Arnold
Kept:Press clippings book 1, p. 34

The following are yesterday's quotations: — gold: Central, sellers 22s,
buyers 18s 6d; Central Extended (pro) sellers 1s; Fraser's, sellers 4s,
buyers 3s 6d; Fraser's South (pro) sellers 20s, do. (con) sellers 5s; Two

Brothers (con) sellers 6d; Waterhall (pro) sellers 2s; do. (con) sellers
6d; Yilgarn, sellers 2s. Tin: — Bunbury (pro) sellers 8s; Floyd (pro)
sellers 6d, buyers 6d, sales at 6d; Greenbushes (pro) sellers 1s; Spring
Gully (pro) sellers 9d, do. (con) sellers 6d, buyers 3d.


We have to acknowledge the receipt of the report of the Department of
Mines, Queensland, for the year 1889.  The report is of a very
satisfactory character.  During 1889 the total yield of gold rose to
739,103 oz., as against 481,643 oz. for the year 1888.  The average yield
per ton also increased from 1 oz. 14 dwt. 11 gr. per ton to 1 oz. 17 dwt.
20 gr. in 1889.  This high average has, however, been obtained by taking
account of the yield from the Rockhampton mines, which were not counted in
for the year 1888.  Queensland now stands at the head of all the
Australian colonies in regard to the gold production, the order being
Queensland, 739,103 oz., Victoria, 614,839 oz., New South Wales, 203,211
oz., Tasmania, 33,050 oz., South Australia, 20,000 oz., and lastly Western
Australia, with 15,000 ozs.



SIR, — In my last communication I referred to the system adopted by our
mining directors, in seeking economy at the expense of efficiency, as the
chief course of failure on this field, and stated that a competent man
while claiming sole charge of a battery, would at all times be willing
that his work should be judged by the gold remaining in his tailings.

Mr B. H. Woodward's report upon the Central crushing, contained in the
WESTERN MAIL of the 16th inst., appears to confirm the view I then
expressed, and while I have not the most remote desire to reflect upon the
worthy, careful and painstaking manager of that mine, and while I consider
that his displacement would be adverse to the Company's interest, I yet
venture to say that this report must be eminently unsatisfactory, both to
the directors and manager of the Central mine.

To secure this report was no doubt a step in the right direction.  It is a
hopeful sign when loss is recognised, but it is not always so easy as in
this case, to prevent its continuance.

The experience through which this community is passing is nothing new in
the history of mining enterprise.  The same difficulties have been faced
and overcome elsewhere, and I do not know that any one need be ashamed of
the fix; for Western Australia has, after all, shewn [sic] herself to
inherit all that pluck and dogged tenacity which has ever been the
characteristic of her ancestors.  But has not the time arrived when she
should ask yourself, how have others overcome these difficulties?  By what
means did they grapple with them?  Cannot I with advantage take a leaf out
of their book?

To this latter question I reply, "most certainly."  There is no need for
immediate outlay on additional and extensive plant, nor should you
displace your managers; neither need you discharge those at present in
your employ, for probably most men are in their right places.  But you
need an an [sic] additional man who has both the knowledge and experience
of which your present staff is deficient.

Such men, if not immediately at hand, are among us, and the directors of
our gold mining companies have but to instruct their managers, to seek
out, treat with and place in command of their batteries, men who would be
content to receive payment by results, and the returns will then not only
be satisfactory, but true economy will become an accomplished fact.
Yours etc.,
Southern Cross, June 24.


The annual report of the Secretary for Mines, Mr A. W. Howitt, on the
mining industry of the colony was issued yesterday, says the Argus of June
20.  It is a carefully prepared and interesting document, and also
embraces the mineral, statistical, and diamond-drill reports, which were
formerly published separately.  The quantity of gold obtained in the
colony in 1889 was 614,838 oz., being a decrease of 10,187 oz.  as
compared with the yield of the preceding year.  The Ballarat district
heads the list, with a contribution of 215,664 oz.; then comes Sandhurst,
with 141,521 oz., and Maryborough with 79,400 oz.  From 1851 till the
close of last year 56,282,014 oz.  of gold were produced in Victoria,
being an average yield of 1,443,128 oz. per annum.  Gold amounting to
70,281 oz. was exported from the colony during last year, and also specie
(?) valued at £1,982,150.  The total quantity of quartz crushed for the
year was 732,461 tons, the yield of gold being 358,893 ozs., or an average
of 9 dwt. 19.19 gr. per ton.  The richest yield was from the Hercules and
Energetic Company's mine, 46 tons of stone giving a return of 2,044 oz. of
gold.  There were during the year 5,279 tons of pyrites treated for a
yield of 13,596 oz., while the alluvial mines contributed 229,855 oz. of
the total yield of the year.  The value of the machinery employed in
quartz mines was £1,584,300, and in alluvial mines £261,562.  Dividends
amounting to £526,749 were declared by mining companies in 1889, being an
increase of £1,468 over the amounts distributed in 1888.  The Madame Berry
Company, at Creswick, continues to maintain its reputation as the leading
dividend-paying mine, having paid to shareholders last year £81,000.  In
mining for gold at the end of 1889, there were 20,668 Europeans and 3,379
Chinese employed, or a decrease of 705 of the former and 390 of the
latter, as compared with the preceding year.  At the close of 1889, there
were also 254 men employed in coal-mining, and 240 in metals and minerals
other than gold, principally tin.  The quantity of coal raised last year
in Victoria was 14,596 tons, valued at £10,991, being the largest yearly
output yet recorded.  There were 97 mining accidents during the year,
causing the deaths of 34 persons and injuries to 67.  Half of these were
killed by the fall of earth and rock, and most of the accidents might have
been averted had the miners exercised a little more care in carrying out
their work.  The report speaks highly of the effectiveness of the safety





ALBANY, July 2.
Mr L. Ellis, who was for many years in the Nor' West, returned by the
M.M.S. Yarra yesterday.  He reports that a Syndicate, with a capital of
£200,000 has been formed to develop the mineral resources of the colony.
An engineer and others who have been here for six weeks, proceeded on the
1st inst. to the Bridgtown [sic] tinfields, and the Collie River and
Flybrook coalfields.  Mr Tait, head of the Liverpool Technological Board,
says that the Bunbury tin is the best he has ever seen.

Another syndicate is also been formed.  Mr F. Cheesewright is in it.  Its
capital is £300,000, and its object is to develop mineral properties.
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