Handwritten manuscript: The birds of Rottnest / D.L. Serventy and G.M. Storr.
List of birds from the order, Laro-limicolae, possibly associated with the manuscript above.
Typed manuscript
of "The spread of the Mediterranean Snail (Theba pisans) on Rottnest Island - Part II, D.L. Serventy and G.M. Storr.
Reprint, The Western Australian Naturalist, Vol. 2, No.2, p. 38 - 42, 1949 of "The spread of the Mediterranean Snail (Theba pisans) on Rottnest Island, D.L. Serventy.
Handwritten lists of reptiles from Rottnest Island.
Correspondence and data sheets regarding the protein analysis of plant samples from West Wallabi Island and Byford, 1958.
Lists of plants on Rottnest recorded for 1952.
2 maps of Rottnest Island with collection points and annotated topography, circa 1955.
Correspondence concerning the preparation of a booklet on the Rottnest Island Biological Field Station
Draft typescript on "The vegetation of Rottnest Island" and associated correspondence.