Relics from the Dutch East Indiaman, Zeewijk. Foundered in 1727 / C. Ingelman-Sundberg. Special publication / Western Australian Museum ; no.10, 1978.
The VOC ship Zeewijk :
report on two seasons of investigation / C. Ingelman-Sundberg. In: J.N.Green, (ed.), Papers from the First Southern Hemisphere Conference on Maritime Archaeology, Perth, Western Australia, 1977. Oceans Society of Australia, Melbourne: 91-99.
The wreck of the East-Indiaman Zeewyk at the Abrolhos Islands in the year 1727 [typescript photocopy] / a translation of the ship's journal, with a short introduction and notes by C. de Heer
Ghost ships of the Houtman Abrolhos / Hugh Edwards
A ship lost in time / Hugh Edwards
A tale of two shipwrecks & Canis familiaris (deceased) (A summary of the evidence for and against two ships at the Zeewyk Wreck site in the Abrolhos Islands) / by Hugh Edwards