Full Record

Shirley Slack-Smith : [Field notebook] Christmas Island (I.O.) [10/02/1987-24/02/1987]
Record no:
Call no:
[83] p. ; 21 cm.
Expedition to Christmas Island, accompanied by Paddy Beery, Gerry Allan, Gary Morgan, Loisette Marsh, Fred Wells, Clay Bryce & Terry Done (AIMS), collecting and observing marine molluscs, with some collecting of land molluscs.

[Abridged summary of daily activities follow]
[Traveled to Christmas Island from Perth. Accompanied by Paddy Beery, Gerry Allan, Gary Morgan, Loisette Marsh, Fred Wells, Clay Bryce & Terry Done (AIMS)]
Wednesday 11-ii-87

Station 1.1
10am Flying Fish Cove - around launching ramp & to West as far as Smith Point. Barbatia - large - flat; Barbatia sp cf helblingii L&D; ? Arca sp L&D; ? AcarSeptiferLithophagaMalleus (seen not collected); Pinctada margaritiferaPinctada sp (?albina); IsognomonHyotissaSpondylusChama sp; Chlamys (?lemnisctus; Cardita variegataTrapezium 2spp; Tridacna maxima (1 other sp?); Periglypta (1 or 2 spp?); Venus toreumaTellinaHaliotis variaTurbo lajonkairiiT. petholatusAstraea 1 or 2 spp? Tectus. Very little live coral in Cove - more towards Smith Point where wave action is greater & reef flat narrower (drop-off close to Point.
Lunch at Flying Fish Cove (packed by Mess) -> House to start processing material. Dead Bradybaenids(?) at Drumsite with many dead & live Achatina.
Stn 1.2 (However this may be numbered Stn 2 or some labels)
3pm Flying Fish Cove - SCUBA with LMM. out from boat ramp. - 1-20m. dive time 1 1/2 hrs. dead coral - coral rocks - dead bombies - dropoff gradual to 15m. - steep to 20m & beyond - sand slope gradual from end of jetty down slope to at least 20m. Barbatia (not as many arcids as a.m. station; Spondylus - thin spines - black spots (small; Spondylus - ehite, v thorny; Spondylus - red-orange & transversal elongate; Chlamys sp (small dark interior low libs) are these same as small orange?; Lima fragilis?; ? Decatopecten (Small pale - ears approx equal); Pinctada sp?; StreptopinnaPinctada maximaHyotissaChama (dark purple v.); Cardita variegataTrapezium (fragile); psammobiid; cardiid (Acrosterigina) - valves (dead) still attached.; HaliotisScutus (what species is this? not unguis!Stomatia plymotisTectusTurbo lajonkairii. Clay found (& photographed) a small octopus which repeatedly & rapidly buried in sand. [ evening reception at National Parks Office ]
Thursday 12-ii-87
[...] "Real" Station#2
Diving time 1 1/2 hrs. E side of North West Point c LMM; 0-30m. ? 10.30-12.00. Haliotis juvenile ? H. ovinaStomatia(?) juvenile - red shell; S.? mariaeTurbo ? lajonkairii (pieces; Astraea; Siphonarian - intertidal on limpets; Arca avellana? large.; ? Acar 2sp; note - no Barbatia ?; mytilid -free - burrowing. lithophagid; Pteria - 2 spp - on gorgonians; Spondylus ? 2 spp.; Chlamys juv 2[?]spp. Chlamys sp adult, dark interior.; PlicatulaLima (large); Saccostrea cuccullata intertidally; DendostreaHyotissaChama 2 spp; Trapezium; Ctena (or Epicodakia) bella; Venus (Ventricolaria) toreuma juv; PeriglyptaTridacna squamosa - young well coloured - yellow shells; CarditaCardiidAcrosterigma. This station was offshore  from a large shallow cove facing E with rock & sand substrate - gorgonians, black coral (pteriids) - deeper there was dead & live coral on a slight slope which changed to a much steeper slope at about 15m. - Went down to about 25-30m - worked along slope & then up gradually to cave floor. Rest of team (Gerry, Gary, Tony Stokes, Peter Goh (his offsider) & Hugh Yorkstone were dropped off at Lost Lake Cove near Rhoda Beaches & went exploring in it & looking for a reported FW fish (which wasn't seen) Gary saw some FW crabs. [evening unloading/processing material]
Friday 13-ii-87
The party split up & Gerry Fred Clay & Gary went by Police Boat with John & Sue to Waterfall (#5) & to the Golf Course (Stn #6).
Station #3 - Ethel Beach
Paddy Terry Louisette & I drove to Ethel Beach & snorkelled off the shore. The road now extends right down to Lily Beach with a vehicle track leaving just before the beach to head W to Ethel Beach through the forest (low level) [small sketch map]. The intertidal platform is about 4-5m wide and then the bottom shelves very slowly to about 4m & then descends abruptly. Much of the bottom off the beach is covered by exclusive beds of once luxuriant but now dead Acropora - now covered by filamentous brown algae. Near the Point (Low Point?) just W of Lily Beach the spur & groove formation becomes strong & there are wide areas of sand at the mouths of the grooves. Arca sp intertidal & deeper burrowing in rock; Barbatia ?helblingii?; SeptiferIsognomon ?perna (RV c brown lines); pectinid (?Annachlamys or Decatapectus - under stone - reef flat); HyotissaChamaTrapezium bicarinatumPeriglypta white ?P.; Very large Octopus seen in cavity among dead coral - no sign of dead shells ? crab - eaten.; HaliotisNotomellaTurbo lajonkairii; AstraeaAcmeids 1 or 2 - low intertidal (x marking) homing; pectinid (? Annachlamys - under stone; Ellobiid (yellow) dead on reef; Siphonarians (2 spp?); very small molluscs (?Stomatiinae) in weed washings. Intertidally - many spp of gastropod out & moving at low tide particularly in shade - cones (2 or 3 sp) drupes nassariid (smooth).
Station 4:
Raised rocked platform between Lily Beach and Steep Point - high intertidal pools - receive water from high splash - same even at low tide. NotonellaHaliotisDiodora ?singaporensis; Turbo lajonkairii dead; Turbo sp juv. (alive; Acmeids; siphonarians; Ellobiids (Pythina - in vegetation); Octopus seen; Barbatia?MusculusSeptiferPinctada sp juv 1 or 2 spp?; HyotissaSaccostrea cuccullata on edge of crevice - through which swell breaks; Chlamys - pink & white; Chlamys - grey & white; Chlamys - thin shell, dark interior; In evening went to Fred's talk to Nat Parks Soc on Abalone program.
Station #5; F Wells & C Bryce; Off Waterfall:
HaliotisTrochus sp (cf T. conus) live; Astraea live; AngariaAcar? live; Arca live; Chlamys sp (dark interior); Spondylus; Periglypta
NB. Samples from Fred & Clay from #5 & #6 both labelled as #5.
Station #6; F Wells & C Bryce; Off Gold Course.
Saturday 14-ii-87
"Other" party went to Ethel Beach & area between Steep Point & Lily Beach (#3&4). "Our" party went to Waterfall (Station#5) and intended to go on to dive off the Gold Course. However Terry became ill ( later diagnosed as an embolism) & we had to abort Waterfall dive half way through & come back to town to get Terry to hospital.
Station#5 Waterfall (dive time 3/4 hour 10.15am)
sheltered cove facing E, shallow slope to about 15m & then drop-off to about 30m or slightly more & then more gradually sloping [sketch of slope drop]. Loisette & I dived onto area at about 12m depth, followed slope to dropoff & went down to about 25m. Then worked along at about that depth or less for 10 minutes & then started to come up slope gradually. When we were at about 12m Paddy free-dived to tell us to come up as Terry was ill. [Discussion of trip to hospital and Terry's recovery]. Collected dead land snails along roadside. [Visited Terry in hospital].
Station#5 Waterfall: very good coral growth on slope - good regeneration. Haliotis; Loisette saw live Trochus (cf T. conus) at 80ft but did not collect. (same as specimen Fred & Clay collected there yesterday); AcarChlamys coarse ribs; SpondylusPlicatula small; Chama dead; Cardiid Acrosterigma ?elongatum?
Station 1. Flying Fish Cove near jetty; - saw very large Octopus which had been hooked & then liberated - very deep web.
Station #3.1 F Wells & C Bryce.
Station #4.1 F Wells & C Bryce.
Sunday 15-ii-1987
[Visited Terry in hospital & processed material, traveled to Flying Fish Cove]
Dive with Louisette & Gary, 10.10am, 0-25m. 1 1/2 hours; Offshore from small boat ramp & sl to W then out to 25m (over drop off) - along to W & up to 9-8m to stage. Dead & living coral - plenty of rubble - stream of sand going downhill (vertical to shore) & between 2 coral-rock reefs in 15-5m band. Haliotis sp (cf varia) 2 spp? D; Diodora cf singaporensis L&D; Trochus sf cf T. conus live & dead; Tectus (Rochia) niloticus (dead); Herpetopoma sp L.; Turbo petholatus dead - common on slope; Turbo lajonkairii uncommon - dead; Astraea - operculum only (white); also found fragments of a very large Cypraea testudinaria; Arca L&D; Acar L&D; Barbatia ? helblingii D; ? Barbatia sp - small brown - nestling[?] L.; Septifer D; Isognomon (dark internally, elongate D; ? Pinna ? sp. D blue grey - piece only); Pinctada ? vulgaris D; Streptopinna saccata - L & D common yellow as well as (grey) form; Chlamys sp coarse ribs. D; Chlamys sp (light speckled &/or dark interior) dead D; Spondylus 2 spp. L&D; S. live large; Mirapecten piece D; linaria fragilis D; Hyotissa sp ? L & D 1 or 2 sp (1) pale, crinkled lip (2) dark c purple in. S. - flat; Chama sp. D 2 spp round elongate ? 3spp white - hinge groove v. long on UV; Trapezium bicarinatum D; Acrosterigma ? elongatum D; Tridacna squamosa L&D; Cardita variegata D; Venus (Ventricolaria) toreuma D&L; Periglypta - orange teeth D; Psammobiid ? ribbed posteriorly D; Tellin (Macominae ?Exotica D.
CI (IO)#1.4 Flying Fish Cove;
to E of Jetty. 0-9,. c Loisette Marsh 3/4 hours (Loissette's tank only 1/2 full). v little live coral, dead coral, coral rock reefs. c sand between.
Acar D; Anadara sp. D (fresh dead joined & c perio.; Barbatia D; Pinctada margaritifera juv 5cm. L&D.; Septifer D; Spondylus sp. D; Chlamys wide ribs; Hyotissa L.; Tridacna maxima D; T. squamosa L.; Trapezium D; Periglypta D; Turbo lajonkairii D.
CI(IO) #1.5 Flying Fish Cove off Smith Point; F Wells & C Bryce. Haliotis varia; Diodora singaporensis; Gena niger (black animal & shell)
CI(IO) #1.6 Flying Fish Cove - E of Jetty; 0-2m. Nerita sp.; Ellobiids.
Monday 16-ii-1987
The "other" party (Gerry Gary Fred Clay) went in the Police boat down the east side of the island making spot checks on the way & diving off Greta Beach & in Smithsons Bight. Very heavy swell (less at 100' where Gerry dived). Our party, Paddy Loisette & I went by vehicle to Waterfall & dived from shore.
Station #5.3 ?1/1/2 hrs, out at 12.15, 0-9m.
Inshore heavily abraded by sand & coral rocks - & inundated by freshwater from stream. However good growth of algal turf. Fish apparently unaffected by fresh water - heavy wave action is apparently limiting molluscan occurance. Offshore surge. Arca L; Acar L; Barbatia L; Isognomon piece; Chlamys broad ribs D; Limaria ? fragilis - v small - mature?; Spondylus 2 spp? L (orange red foot & tentacles & gills); Hyotissa white L&D; Chama L; Trapezium L. in rubble; Periglypta D; Halimeda; articulated coralline ?Jania - forms mats; calcareans red-flat & fan; Haliotis D; Diodora ?singaporensis; Clanculus - red spotted - high spire D; Euchelus D; Turbo lajonkairii L.
Also found variety of nudibranchs, an orange pleurobranch, small (?1cm) tectibranchs on Halimeda (brown & grey), & a small green Halimeda crab. 3 very nice muricids (? a species of Ptreynotus); small cone (? fish eater).
South coast of Christmas I. F Wells & C Bryce 16-ii-87.
Plicatula L; Chlamys sp fine, dark interior L; Chlamys strong ribs L.; Spondylus D; Pinctada margaritifera L; Trapezium L; Cardita D; Venus (Ventricolaria) toreuma L; Haliotis ? ovina piece.
CI (IO)#8
Greta Beach, F. Wells & C. Bryce.
Acar L; Chlamys sp fine, dark interior (but not in this specimen) D; Spondylus - transverse ?; Venus (Ventricolaria) toreuma D; Haliotis elongate, red; Lamellaria (nigra) mid brown juvenile.
[Terry flown back to Townville for treatment]
Tuesday 17-ii-1987
Only 1 party, Gerry Gary Fred Loisette & me, went out in the boat today. Paddy stayed behind to farewell Terry & Clay stayed behind because of his infected (post- cold sore) lip. We went in Police Rescue Boat across to North West Point. & down west side of Island to Egeria Point & sand[?] into Smithsons Bight as far as westerly set of blowholes. Spot checks were made at a few places (see map) & on the way back we dived at 2 of them.
Station #9
Winifred Beach S of Jacks Point, dived with Loisette. 11.30am->1pm. 3-21m. Slope steep but not abrupt. dead & live coral (more alive in deeper areas) sand between coral-rock reefs in shallower water coral rubble in deeper depths.
Arca D; Acar D; Barbatia D; Chlamys - coarse ribs D; Chlamys, fine c dark interior - fairly common (complex ribs) L. under slabs of dead Acropora; Chamys (yellowish  black spots simple ribs c riblets between) L, under slabs of dead Acropora; ?Excellichlamys spectabilis L, under slabs of dead Acropora; Lithophaga L; Spondylus ? orange L; Pinnid ?Streptopinna fragile, not deformed D; Hyotissa white/pink, crenulated lip, no colour on mig[?] L; Tridacna ?maxima juv. L; Chama ?orange/purple L; Chama O white D; Cardita variegata D; Trapezium D; Acrosterigma (? not elongatum) D; Venus (Ventricolaria) toreuma L; Exotica (tellinid) D; mystery bivalve - ribbed- lat teeth D; Haliotis ?ovina D; Diodora ?singaporensis mod common L; Gena; Trochus ?conis juv L; Turbo lajonkairii, rare, dead (eaten) v large; T. pethalatus in deeper water, mod common. 
c Loisette Marsh, out at 2.45, 3-12m, 1hr 5min. -off Marriel Beach, between Martin Point & No 1 Dale.
Barbatia; Arca; Acar; Septifer D; Spondylus ? L (large one seen); Chlamys 2 spp (fine & coarse); Hyotissa white L; Hyotissa brown D; Chama O white; Periglypta L; Tellin ? Arcopagia; Diodora ?singaporensis; Turbo operc.
[processed material in evening]
Wednesday 18-ii-1987
Paddy, Fred, Gary, Loisette & I went in the Police Rescue craft to West White Beach. Clay stayed behind because of his sore lip & Gerry because he wanted to work on his book.
off West White Beach, with Louisette & Paddy. 3-30m, 1hr. gently sloping to change abruptly to a steep slope which in some places is vertical. Dead & live coral, some sand, rubble particularly on steep slope. In deeper areas plenty of old dead Acropora slabs. In shallower water boulders rounded, heavy (coral rock).
Mystery arcid ?juv Trisidos semitorta D; Arca D; Acar D; Barbatia cf helblingii D&L;  B sp (brown, small) L; Chlamys dark interior, fine ribs L; Septifer rare D, Spondylus ? D; Chlamys tigris D (bored); Limaria fragilis L; Lima D; Hyotissa white 1 large->purple ext RV L; Atrina (Servatrina) D (eaten); Chama ? red/orange D; Trapezium D eaten; Cardiid Acrosterigma ?elongatum juv D; Venus (Ventricoloria) toreuma D; Pinctada ?vulgaris L; Chlamys coarse rib D; Mystery mytilid Modiolus pale. deep post, no ribs; Gastrochaema in crevice; Diodora singaporensis; Scutus unguis D; Trochus ? conus D ?eaten; Clanculus D; Turbo petholatus D eaten; T. lajonkairii D eaten; Astraea D eaten?; Acmaea sp - from intertidal; Ellobiids supralittoral on beach amid rubble; Truncatellids supralittoral on beach amid rubble. 
? more larger individuals (yellowish form) higher up beach & marginally more brown banded from[?] lower down beach. Truncatellids higher but only in pockets of much decomposing litter.
On the way back we did quick snorkel dives at a number of spots along the north coast eg Lost Lake Cove, off Rhoda beach headland, off Daniel Rouse Cove etc. Paddy drew profiles at each spot the rest of us had a look & collected a little - I collected algae & a few corals, hydrozoans etc. (photos of cliffs etc). Arrived back at Cove at 1.30 - had lunch on waterfront & came up to house after going to bank & withdrawing $100 advance on Bankcard. [Processed specimens, gave talk, dinner etc]
Thursday 19-ii-1987
Organised (as is becoming usual) for boat launching at 8.30. Andrew again skippered the Police Rescue craft. Paddy, Gerry, Clay, Loisette & I formed the diving party. Fred & Gary went elsewhere. Because the wind was from the South East we went around to the west side of the island & thence to the western side of Smithson's Bight. A strong swell from the SW made diving in Smithsons Bight impossible but Gerry & Paddy went in for a snorkel just NE of Jpones Point and we then went back around Egeria Point to dive.
Just N of Egeria Point 11-12.30. c Loisette (& Paddy for part of time) 1 1/2 hrs. 3-25m. Gentle slpe to about 15m & then abrupt drop off (seeming to have a more gentle scree slope below about 35m). good coral growth on drop of - many colonies of gorgonians - some quite large and plenty of eels which lurked in every available crevise & depression - quite off-putting! One came out & bit my hand as I was reaching for some hydroids near its lair. I have up after that & came up above the drop-off (as did the others). Above the drop off there were rocky reefs interected by channels with sand & boulder floors. Very few slabs of dead plate Acropora to turn over - the boulders were of coal rock of old massive corals & were rounded. 
Acar D; Septifer D; Modiolus D; 2 spp Pteria (gorgonians at ? 25m) L; Pinctada margaritifera ?9m L; Spondylus D; Hyotissa D; ?Hyotissa (deep RV) D eaten; Chama D&L; Trapezium D; Periglypta orange teeth D; Venus toreuma D; Herpetopoma L; Turbo lajonkairii D; also orange pleurobranch; Cypraea lynx; Mitrella sp.; 
After snorkel dives of Winnifred & Marriel Beaches (ellobiid) while Gerry photographed fish, we went to North West Point where Gerry, Paddy & Clay dived offshore (Station#13) and Loisette & I went ashore (with some difficulty because of the rough conditions) & worked the tide pools on the Point. 
Station #13.1
Torinia among green zoanthids (colonial); Tectibranchs - cryptic colouration - on sandy bottom of pool; small yellow cone among zoanthids (green); variety of cerithaceans; Acmea L above water; siphonarians L above water; Acar piece; ? isognomonid - long dead; lithophagid piece; Saccostrea cuccullata.
Station #13
Diodora ? singaporensis L; Turbo lajonkairii D; Chlamys sp coarse ribbed L; Limaria fragilis L.
#1.7 Flying Fish Cove. F Wells - intertidal. Haliotis L; Turbo lajonkairii D; Barbatia ?helblingii L&D; Septifer L; Pinctada ?vulgaris, maculata etc L; Chlamys coarse ribbed.
Station #1.8 Flying Fish Cove, 5m. F Wells.
Acar L. Chlamys sp fine ribbed, dark materials; Spondylus ? D; Limaria fragilis L; Acrosterigma ? elongatum D eaten; Diodora ? singaporensis; Haliotis D; Herpetopoma L; Astraea D.
Friday 20-ii-1987
Gerry, Gary, Fred, Clay & I went in Police craft with Andrew, departing at 9am (1/2 hour later than arranged because the wharf staff were working until late last night). Loisette stayed at home to continue processing & Paddy had to finish interim report on Flying Fish Cove. 
Station 3.2 off Ethel Beach.
Gary & Fred & I dived to about 22m - & then up to flat above dropoff which is almost flat (though of reefs & sandy depressions & gutters)
Tridacna squamosa L; Streptopinna L (many); Spondylus white ? under rocks D; Spondylus white juv, D; Spondylus orange rim L; Chama ? orange, under overhang of bommie L; Arca D&L; Barbatia v fine-pinkish L; Venus toreuma L?; Acar L; Herpetopoma fine L; Haliotis D; Hyotissa juv. white L; Plicatula L white c black spots; Pinctada margaritifera v juv L; Ctena bella (yellow) L; Chlamys fine ribs, dark inside D; Chlamys coarse ribs D; Isognomon white juv D.
(off NE coast bwtween old Piggery & Chicken Farm) Between Rocky & North East Points. dive with Gary & Fred. 
 Tridacna squamosa L; Tridacna sp juv D; Limaria fragilis L; Plicatula D articulated; Spondylus O juv fine spines D; Spondylus ? orange rim D; Spondylus ? red rim D; Chlamys fine ribs, dark interior D; Chlamys coarse ribs D articulated; Chama white D; Semele; Acrosterigma sp D; Acrosterigma sp juv ?=; Ctena D; Streptopinna D; Arca D; Acar D; Barbatia cf helblingii D; Hyotissa purplish RV brown MS D; Hyotissa white interior RV D; Trapezium purplish mottled LV D; Pinctada ?vulgaris D attached; Pinctada margaritifera D eaten; Venus (Ventricoloria) toreuma D; Periglypta orange teeth D; Turbo lajonkairii.
[In evening attended talk at National Parks office.]
Saturday 21-ii-1987
Dolly Beach - rock reef cut by deep channels - strong surge -> v steep slope; dead & living coral, rubble & sand.
Station CI(IO)#15 off Dolly Beach. with (Paddy, Loisette) Gary. 9.40-11.00.
Haliotis D; Diodora ? singaporensis L; Turbo petholatus D; T lajonkairii L; Neritidae white D; Plicatula; Chlamys coarse ribs D; Chlamys fine ribs, dark interior D; Spondylus ? L; Spondylus white D; Streptopinna saccata L; Hyotissa white deep D; Hyotissa pink-red D; Chama ? L; Venus toreuma D.
Station CI(IO)#1.9: F Wells & C Bryce. Flying Fish Cove of Smith Point, 0-5m.
 Tectus (Rochia) niloticus D; Trochus ? conus juv. L; Gena sp L; Herpetopoma L&D; Monodontinae D; Chlamys sp fine ribs, orange; Chamys pallium D; Chlamys dark interior fine ribs D [ same sp? as Chlamys sp orange]; Pinctada margaritifera L.; Hyotissa sp (?2 promyal passage) L; Pinna sp L; Streptopinna saccata L many; 
? same station ?
Haliotis L; Isognomon D; Diodora ? singaporensis L; ?Malleus juv L; Herpetopoma D; Venus toreuma D; Stomatra L; Astraea D
Station CI(IO)#1.10 Flying Fish Cove etc, Isobel Beach & Cantilever Jetty piles. - self ->9m, 20min. off beach - 0-3m. - rocky reef c gutters (deep) - rock bare except on walls of gutters - living hard & soft coral. Tridacna maxima D; Pinctada margaritifera D.; Cantilever jetty piles - steel - electrostatic antifouling - Saccostrea cuccullata & barnacles intertidal; Hyotissa small white cupped; Hyotissa hyotis large 6m L. v few; Hyotissa sp (2 promyal) 6-9m few-many L.; Chama sp orange/purple 6-9m many L; Spondylus ? orange L; Septifer; ? Dendostrea small; Arca; Pinctada; Isognomon; Chlamys fine ribbed; Chlamys coarse ribbed; much pink brown Tubastrea coral but no epitoniids seen on them (as in 1969).
In late afternoon Loisette & I went to the Dales area - walked part of marked trial but didn't have time to finish; collected fungi. In evening Clay, Gerry, Gary & Fred went diving in Flying Fish Cove. Loisette & I called in at Mung's shop near Police Station to buy gifts, & also bought tea at shop at Poon Sang (in small packets). Came home & processed material & collected snails (Biddybaenids, juvenile Achatina (plenty of large ones seen) & 1 specimen of Veronicellid slug).
Sunday 22-ii-1987
Spent morning processing material. Fred & Paddy dived offshore from small boat ramp in Flying Fish Cove.
Stn CI(IO)#1.11 10m.
Trochus ? conus L; Barbatia ? helblingii D; Streptopinna D; Pinctada margaritifera D.
Loisette & I snorkelled in Flying Fish Cove E of boat ramp to ketty - collected on channeled reefs & on jetty piles.
Stn CI(IO)#1.12
Acrosterigma; Spondylus ?; Periglypta white teeth; Trapezium; Hyotissa white; Arca; Pinctada margaritifera; Chama white juv ??; Cardita; S. cuccullata; Chlamys fine, dark interior; Turbo petholatus; (Took photos of outrigger canoes); Smal purplish Hyotissa on piles; Barnacles on piles.
I went with Gary to Waterfall to look for freshwater molluscs - didn't find any.
Stn CI(IO)#5.4
FW crabs; no FW molluscs; Subulinid ? ?; Photos of Waterfall - red crab - caterpillars with new camera. Tried to find lookout above Golf Course but failed. Went with Loisette to Ecology Trail through forest near Plant Nursery below National Parks office - Photo of red crab near limit of film tolerance. Photo of red footed Booby on rails of Nat Parks office verandah - raised from chick - tame. Went to lookout above Cove at end of Trail - magnificent view. [Went to dinner with colleagues]. Clay, Gerry, Gary & Fred did another night dive in Cove. Two starfish of a species previously uncollected were taken. After coming home about midnight collected snails as last night including another veranicellid.
Drumsite - visitors quarters (House 722). Insects; Lands snails; Bradybaenids; Achatina; Veronicellids.
Monday 23-ii-1987
[Plane booking]
CI(IO)#17 Hewans & Hudsons Springs.
[Dinner with colleagues]
[posted "sea stingers"]

Expedition to Christmas Island, accompanied by Paddy Beery, Gerry Allan, Gary Morgan, Loisette Marsh, Fred Wells, Clay Bryce & Terry Done (AIMS), collecting and observing marine molluscs, with some collecting of land molluscs.
Item availability
{ 1 } items found
Shelf no
Archives room
Western Australian Museum
On Shelf