Full Record

Shirley Slack-Smith : [Field notebook] : Indian Ocean (2) [31/01/1979-10/03/1979]
Record no:
Call no:
[170] p. ; 21 cm.
Field notebook detailing trip to NSW and various locales in the Indian Ocean accompanied by Sue Boyd . Notebook begins with notes on citations, followed by notes on specimens at Australian Museum (5-i-79). Fieldwork notes contain very detailed notes on molluscs taken. Notes also have research of Maldives, and then detailed diary of time spent on Russian vessel "Professor Bogarov" to Madagascar and Mauritius, focusing on daily life and self-described "PR work" with their Russian counterparts, shorter stays and work were undertaken on the return journey at Seychelles, Sri Lanka and Singapore.

[abridged summary of localities visited and specimens observed collected follows]
1-ii-79 Thurday
Beach, Tamatave, Madagascar; damacids[?], tellins, venerids
Under trees at end of beach, Tamatave, Madagascar; live land snails like the Australian Pseudooas (Eremopeas), 3 spp of millipedes, very small FW limpets.

boat club near ship berth; photograph of sjip
Near Customs checkpoint; Achatina (live & dead), 2 spp Camaenid (1 sp. alive other larger one dead).
2-ii-79 Friday
Intertidal reef flat east of dock, Tamatave, Madagascar [sketch map given]; Posidonia, Millipora, Porites, Pavona, Montipora, Acropora "pulchra" (blue), Pocillopara (pink), Goniastrea, Cyphastrea, Xenia, Fungia (irf[inner reef flat] & orf[outer reef flat]); Infralittoral: ellobiids (1 dead camaenid); High Intertidal: Barnacles -small, White nerite 1 only, Littorinids 3 spp, Melaraphe - many, Nodilittorina - many, Nodilittorina millegranosa - 1 only; Low Intertidal: Siphonarians, flat littorinid - Bembicium type - few, Neritids - grey & black, Planaxis sulcatus -many, "Hanea" - many, small lined planaxid, Patellids, Saccostrea - on exposed large rocks, Mytilids - Xenostrobus type in crevices, Isognomids - few, Columbellid - one; Reef Flat: dead: Cerithiid, Acrosterigina, Tellius 2 spp, Codakia sp, Gafrarium 2 spp, Chama 1 sp, Barbatia, Anadara antiquata, Conus sp (textile group[?]), Strombus 2 spp, Modulus sp, Pyramidellid, Tonnid, Cypraea sp, Astralium ? sp; alive (& dead): Mytilid 1 spp, Pinctada sp - outer reef flat, Cypraea moneta - rare, Cypraea annulus - over reef flat but especially abundant on outer r. flat & crest, Acmea sp (o.r.f.). Septofer (o.r.f. & r.c.), Fasciolariid (rc), Cronia ?, Purple mouthed drupe , small ? Fasciolariid (o.r.f.), Columbellids o.r.f, Turbinids - small (o.r.f.), Conus ?generalis (on sand irf & orf), Chiton on stone under sand (orf), Tridacna crocea? in clump of finely branching ?Millepora. Plants: Angiosperms - Posidonia type (irf), Halimeda (irf & orf), ?Caulerpa sp - solid sawtooth edge i.r.f., Caulerpa sp. - globular pinnules with red noncoralline ?Hypnea (orf & rc), Laurencia (orf). Corallines - brittle with red noncoralline epiphyte (irf & orf), Corallines - not brittle large & boarse orf. Echinoderms: large black holothurian irf & orf, small red transparent holothurian orf, large red & brown starfish irf & orf, small grey starfish orf, Brittle star - orf, Cephalochordates? - irf & orf under stones in black sand below surface. 
Isle St Marie, beach barge near town; Ostrea type - like O. folium [description given], one medium sized Hyotisaa of H. hyotis type [description given]
4-ii-79 Sunday
S of Pointe Blévec, on Île aux Nattes, off S. end of Île Sainte Marie, off NE Malagasy Republic. strong current, Reef flat - 0->2m coral - sand; Acropora - "pulchra" type (2 spp?), Fungia - many, Pocillopora, Parona, Montipora, Porites, Echinophyllia ?, Favites, Turbinaria (sheltered), Galaxia.
Algae; Calerpa ?scalpelliformis, Calerpa - globular pinnules, Calerpa (?racemosa type - lost), Halimeda, red alga (?Laurencia but spiky tips), Siphonales (big round balls), Vallonia?, Soft red [alga], Spongy green (wetwork - brittle), Green bubbles-fine-lumps (Abrolhos)
Molluscs - Alive; Tridacna squamosa (not collected) - sunken into coral microatoll, Tr. crocea, Conus - v large spots - taken by Vitaly, Cypraea tigris - quite a few, Tectus pyramidalis, Turbo ?setosus, Trochus ? maculatus, Cypraea annulus, Cypraea moneta, small Turbinids -round - under stone, Strombus ?mutabilis - in sand - 2m, Nassarius - in sand - 2m, Conus (cream c. v. small spots) - in sand - 2m, Thaid -drupe - white on Acropora, Lamellariid -large black -on sand - on coral, Terebra -large.
Molluscs - Dead; Lamnbis (lambis or ? arthritica ?chiragra), Haliotis, Cyp. carneola, Tellinids 6 spp., Drupe, Buccinid (2), Cyp. mauritiana?, Lucinid (2), Gafrarium, Venerid (marica?), Mytilid, Conus (small white spots), Conus (large-long), Cyp. (? erosa), Cyp. lynx.
Echinoderms; Brown Linkia, Echinometra
Other coelenterates; much Xenia, some Sarcophyton?, some anemones.
Off S. end of Île Sainte Marie, off coast of Malagasy Republic, about 10m, small & large coral bombies in sand, strong current;
Molluscs alive: Spondylus - large (1) 1 spec., Hyotissa - (1?) 2 spec - Anatoly gave them to Raisa before I could examine them - a lesson there somewhere, Orulids (1 sp) on gorgonians - yellow shell - red mantle on yellow gorgonian - jointed in red pink-red shell on dark red-brown & grey spotted gorgonian, Pteriid on dusky pink gorgonian, Arcid in coral crevise, Isognomonid in coral crevise, Large [Isognomonid] on coral bombie.
Dead Molluscs: Cardiid - Acrosterigma, Cypraea carneola, Terebrid.
Echinoderms: Starfish orange & cream on black, Brittle stars - dusky pink one on pink brown branched Alayonarian(?)
Coelenterates: Soft corals - dusky pink -branched - fairly brittle -large clumps, Mussidae?, few Fungia, Seriatopora?, Leptoria ?, Favia, Solitary polyps like Physogyra, Cyphastrea?, Lobophyllia, was well as Porites Montipora.
Algae: Adherent red flat thallus impregnated with CaCO3 underneath in sheltered places, Green (coralline?) in sheltered places [sketch drawn of specimen], red - filamentous? -not slimy, Jointed corallines, Crustose corallines.
Sue collected on beach of Island.
[...] In evening helped Raisa with dissection of molluscs -oyster & Atrina & Tridacna. found small fish lving commensally in inhalant chamber of Hyotissa hyotis. Of four specimens smashed for dissection - Two had 2 fish each, 1 appeared to have only 1 fish, & one didn't have any. Fish are about 3-4" lomh - transparent - silver swim bladder pinkish around gills - eyes dark - tail black. First time I (or Rabé) have ever heard of fish living commensally with oyster - or any bivalve for that matter. Small crabs - whitish - sculptured dorsum - in Tridacna. Onuxodon margariferae - Pearl-shell fish.
5-ii-79 Monday
S part of the east coast of Île Sainte Marie, 17°04'0.5 S 49°51'2 E, N. side of break in reef system [sketch map of location given].
MR5a; reef crest of above; Atrina in sand next to coral clumps.
Diving 10-15m of water; oysters, Murex Atrina (10 metres) - few fasciolariids & such.
Went up lagoon to N of break in reef till it petered out [...] collected in sand cored with fine growth of green & red algae; cerithes, strombus, dead tellins & senelids
Banks of coral near S end of lagoon; Atrina & Pinna in sand & coral rubble (& one Pinna on coral clump not in sand), mixed coral - mostly branching Acropora of various species - 1-2m deep. Plenty of pteriids on all types of Acropora
 6-ii-79 Tuesday
[...] south side of gap, snorkeled on point -partly protected by outer band of reef; not much in the way of molluscs. rich coral growth on edge with channels running vertically to edge - give way to
 dead coral shingle area with Porites bombies & this gives way to a sandy lagoon (shallow) which I didn't reach -no time.
dived with lung in 3-6m just around corner of reef in more sheltered positioon [...]; not much molluscan life - no bivalves ! - Plenty of anemones & anemone fish - orange with white median stripe along peak of back, Nudibranch, fasciolariids, Cypraea (globulis)?.
7-ii-79 Wednesday
[sketch map of reef system near Île Sainte Marie] 
diving [...] 3-6m i area of surge channels - about 1m deep - lush coral growth on spurs - though planed on top, particularly Acropora hyacinthes (tabular) but no growths in channels.
[...] under dead coral slabs in channels [...]; plenty of small turbinids, Trochus, fasciolariids, cowry, limid, cones etc, Vasum turbinellus on bare rock, Tectus on rock & dead coral, Spondylus under rocks, 5 Lamellariids in pocket on channel wall.
[...] into lagoon to a patch reef [...] snorkeled in 1-2m; Atrina, Pinna, Anadara antiquata, plenty of dead Acrosterigma - noe alive, Pteriids, sting coral, small "barnacles", some isognomonids under boulders, Porites common with Acropora pulcha (small staghorn form).
[...] inner & more SW of offshore reefs. Anchored on western (lee)side. SCUBA 3-6m.
collected under dead coral slabs in sandy area offshore; Chlamys -yellow with black radially arranged spots, Trivia (small, humped), small cowry, plenty of Lambis truncata.
[...]coral area beneath & near boat 0-3m; very few molluscs, corals mainly Acropora hyacinthus (tabular) & Porites with "Galaxia"? (friable) & A. pulchra & large colonies of Sarcophyton. Also saw two colonies of Tubipora musica. Many large anemones with anemone fish - yellow-brown with a light stripe mid-dorsally. Halophila [...], Acropora, plenty of Lambis truncata.
8-ii-79 Thursday
[...] point off the west side of the southern offshore reef about 1/3 to 1/2 of its length from the northern end. I dived with Anatoly on flat (about 9m) & up onto reef (->3m) [sketch map given]; Lambis truncata, Halophila, Acropora hyacinthus (tabular), Lambis scorpius, Acropora pulchra, staghorn Acropora, Tubifora, Halimeda, Peysonnelia (flat red thallus calcified beneath), another leafy red alga, two species of cone shells - Conus leopardus? & another larger sp., small species of the Conus textile group, two muricids one of which was boring into a Spondylus upper valve - well away from edge of Spondylus shell, Hyotissa prodes[?] type - white with black flecks in arera near the umbo of the right valve, a nudibranch - reminiscent of Chamodaris westraliensis, a fasciolariid or a Melangenid - somewhat similar to Volegalia, Cypraea argus, C. vitellus, C. isabella.
Sue Boyd, SE cost, N. Ilots[?] on Sable-reef flat, coral & sand - intertidal
9-ii-79 Friday
[...] reef called Ank-Horraka just E of Anse(Bay) d'Ampanihy, about 1/2 along E coast of Île Sainte-Marie. We went into the bay & then N. to the inner reef flat; Acropora spp (tabular, A. pulchra, & low staghorn) were dominant, with Porites, Echinophyllia, Fungia, & the crumbly form ?Galaxia, three species of Caulerpa (scalpelliformis stype, globular type & the coarse type with a serrated edge), two angiosperms were present - Halophila & an Amphibolus type with fairly long leaves in bunches at top of stem, one dead Pinna, (a piece of) Septifer, only dead Spondylus, small Chama, Cypraea helvola (alive -taken by Anatoly?), Conus geographus (abt 4" - taken dead by Anatoly), small alive Conus cf textile, Diadema, Echinometra matheii, red Clanculus.
In sandy moat where boat was anchored (abt 2m); one live terebra, Caulerpa - coarse, sea grasses, Vitaly found & gave to me - the rest[?] of a large urchin (?Tripneustes)
offshore, S parallel to beach, [near?] Pte Satrakely; Caulerpa, Posidonia
[...]reef Ank-Horraka; Acropora & (?)Echinophillia(?), Cones & red Clanculus, Lambis truncata.
[...] N end of [Île Sainte-Marie] just on the west side of Pte Albrand; soft & hard corals, small sponges - cupe -> rosette shape, cones & thaids, S. cuccullata.
[...]place north of Anse Louarea (ie on NW corner of the island [...]); corals - hard &soft, Soccostrea cuccullata, Cypraea ?arabica, few thaids, violet-mouthed thaid, stone fish, small piece of "black coral" with an ophiuroid on it.
[...]place in Anse Louarea about W of Antanambe & WNW of the Allbrand Light & N of Pte Antsirakaraika; Saccostrea cuccullata, Cypraea arabica, Mancinella mancinella was collected while weating a limpet.
Drupa morum, "black coral" gorgonian which was heavily 'infested' with ptereids of the "Austropteria" type. On one of these ptereids at least - possibly another - sponge or whatever was growing on it - were a number of small ovulids - juveniles mostly- a pinkish colour.
Îlot Madame; 2 ellobiids - 2 spp - larger sl. higher, littorinids, limpets
[...] just beyond Pte des Sorciers; dead shells, live damacids & mesodesmatids
[...] S of town [...] on shore; terrestial slugs & "Pseudopeas" types of snails, ellobiids as before & dead shells
[...] photographed thatched huts in small settlement.
[...]seaward wall; dark brown (?)planaxids
[...] area on the coast just S of the ships anchorage [S of Pte Tafonfro & Lokintsy village 16°54.2'S 49°51.6'E], [...] intertidal reef flat; Saccostrea cuccullata, v small barnacles with drupes, oysters, siphonarians, weed - Cypraea annulus, larger pinkish barnacles, 3spp of thaids &/or drupes, ?2 spp siphonarians with the smaller species being higher in general. No littorinids seen.
[...] on reef flat; Harpa amouretta
[...] fan reef about 1m from surface; Acropora (hyacinthus, tabular, pulchra & staghorn), Echinophyllia with large Porites bombies offshore. Found Vasum on rocks, c Tectus & Coralliophillids on various branching corals.
Just N of ship's anchorage on coast. Large igneous boulders just off beach; Saccostrea cuccullata, small barnacle - drupes -pattelids, violet-mouthed thaid (?Morula marginalba), oysters & fissurellids (Notomella?) with Thais aculeata (all small) & a muricid like Chicoreus torrefactus both feeding on oysters, large barnacles & vermetids with Mancinella mancinella within zone or just below, Acmeids - large, Drupa rubusidaeus, ? Drupa ricinus, Coralliophilids on Acropora & thick-branched Pocillopora, white mouthed thaid - similar to Drupella cornus on Acropora, Pteriids on Millepora, Morula uva, live Harpa amouretta
WNW of ships' anchorage - on coast, large boulders (igneous) on & off beach; Nodilittorina, B&White littorinid (smooth form of Nodilittorina?), Granular littorinid, Mancinella mancinella eating large barnacles, Anatoly found a life Harpa amouretta [...] also found a large "green snail" & a lie Cypraea helvola, tectibranches. 
12-ii-79 Monday
[...] beach (S. of Pte. Talfondro) just slightly south (E of ESE?) of the ship's anchorage; ellobiids, thiarids, neritinids
[...] littorinid zonation [annd] exposed boulders off the beach; zig-zag thick sheled "Melorapha" type (large here), thin shelled dark "Littorina" type large & small, White Nerita, Small dark Siphonaria, granular Littorinid & Nodilittorina.
Exposed boulders - large - large grains ? basalt, tide approximately low, tidal range about 2 ft; (a) Scattered & sparse granular littorinids (b) Area with thick slippery blue-green algae.
sheltered side (E side) - algae; (i) low intertidal pool, brittle red siphonous algae in mat-like bunches (looks green). (ii) subtidal - bunches of red coralline - nunches of irregular tuberculate read leafy algae.
Moderate exposure - algae, S side (& N side), low intertidal; (i) ?Zonaria - very small, v small thalli of Anadyomene mixed in with ?Corallina (ii) low intertidal on NE face of boulder - club-like red leafy alga.
Exposed - algae (W & NW & SW sides); (i) low intertidal - green (?) Boodleopsis stiff green, tufted alga (ii) in slight shelter at low intertidal level. Ulva, stunted Sargassum (leafy) & stunted Turbinaria (iii) subtidal to low intertidal - short fine coralline (?Jania) (c) few granular Littorina & very few Nodilittorina - all small - with small Siphonarians (d) zone of small barnacles -with Cellana (or at least a patellid) - with granular Drupe (?Morula marginella) eating small barnacles - & tubercular thaid (?Thais aculeata) eating small barnacles -with small mytilids in crevices of rocks - with small isognomonids in crevises of rocks - with small Siphonarians - dark conical fine ribbed (e) oyster zone Saccostrea cuccullata small at upper level of zone - all sizes in centre - large oysters - more sparse at base of zone - with ?Morula marginella boring small oysters - with ?Thais aculeata boring larger oysters - not necessarily at edge - with small pale Pteriid sheltering in empty oyster shells - with Entomella on oyster shells & very ocassionally on rock - deep scar left when removed from shell of oyster.
(f) zone of larger barnacles pinkish finely ribbed & cellular - with larger Siphonarians flatter more coarsely ribbed - with vermetids (small, dark) - with Drupa ricinus eating large barnacles (on exposed side of boulder) - with granular drupe (?Morula marginalba) eating siphonarian not bored & vermetids, striated but smooth shelled thaid [...] (not seen before)
[...] a bay just around corner from Pte Tafondro & just NE of village of Lokintsy [...] small island on point; Chicoreus (?C. torrefactus), Mancinella mancinella, Morula marginella, Thais aculeata, Morula uva, Drupa rubusidaeus
[...] on W side of point in shallow bay with small boulders & coral slabs - fairly silty; ?Toxopucustes?, greenish Stilifer, Cypraea staphylaea &[?]kelvola, small cowry I don't know something like C. felina
13-ii-79 Tuesday
[...] a place about 2km N of Ambodifototra, probably a bit S of Ankoalabe; 4 specimens of Lambis chiragra arthritica, mobile Lima, Vasuna turbinellum or perhaps it is a V. ceramicum, Tridacna, cone of the "Conus textile" group, Porites, Echinophyllia, Acropora. ?Posidonia, 1 black lamellariid found & lost, Cypraea (cf C. felina), Conus chaldaeus.
14-ii-79 Wednesday
Ashore, in jungle; landsnails very few Pseudopeas & v. few dead Achatina
mangrove inlet; Terebralia
lagoon edge of mangal; estuarine type oysters [extensive description given] , patellid limpet, small delicate crabs - something like Leptograpsus, Isognomon ephippium, mytelids, small white bivalves, Littorina scabra
causeway (southern part); S. cuccullata, estuarine oyster, mytelids, siphonarians,
15-ii-79 Thursday
[...] Tamatave harbour [...] seaward wall of the harbour area (sketch given); Melarapha. Nodilittorina, white Nerites, Planaxis, small barnacle, granular littorinid (v small), S. cuccullata, gran. drupe (& another sp. rare), flat littorinid. black & grey nerite, v fine algal turf, fine filamentous alg., blue-green alg., blackish-grey lined littorinid, rare brown planaxid?, Sepitifer 3"-4", Isognomon. Siphonarians on oysters, Siphonarians on rock.
[...]further south to an area adjacent to another sandy beach near port limits (& fence); littoronids, Nodilittorina, Melarapha.
Pointe aux Piments, Mauritius
M2-1, Beach drift on coarse sand & coral rubble beach; Bulla, Cyp. annulus, Pink banded bubble shell
M2-2, Beach rock - intertidal - broken at upper & lower edges; blue green algae, green filimentous alga, Ulva, red filamnetous alga, small barnacle - probably the same as at Ile Ste-Marie eith siphonarians-coarse ribbed, patellids- fine ribbed-striped-yellow mantle, Planaxis sulcatus?, hermit crabs, Neritid - ribbed - pustulose deck, Brachydontes, Thais rudolphi, Drupe with yellow band. small holothurians - (1)blackish (numerous) (2)larger brown & white [?]pusticles, Bulla juveniles, Tectibranches - laying eggs - snall & various colours like those on Ile Ste-Marie - look like Onchidium on first sight, Patekkid - different species from that higher up? - appears to have coarser ribs (still fine) & mantle colourless with yellow spots, limpet - looked like Notomella at first sight - coudln't see internal anterior groove - could be conical siphonarian I suppose *look again at those from NW Ile Ste Marie!, few pinkish medium-sized barnacles, small mantacutids or erycinids or something with colourless -> white mantles c red-orange spots - size range from 0.5cm downwards, Cypraea annulus - laying eggs, Faxialasiids - brown & white shells - red soft parts - laying eggs. Strombs - with juvenile lips.
M2-3, Granitic rock; still no littorinids, green algae, blue green algae, few pink barnacles, no patellids, tall conical siphonarians, Bubble shell (Bulla) & black ceriths in Caulerpa ?scalpelliformis.
24-ii-79 Sat
Ag1, "spur & groove fromation" 75m offshore from Port Sainte Rita, Agelega; blue white & black surgeon fish, green filamentous alga, v little Caulerpa - globular, stinging coral, Millepora, Sarcophyton, Porites, vermetids, thaids, Mancinella tuberosa, Acropora, Pocillopora, Drupa marum, Thais armigera, Accanthaster[?], dark green spikey holothurians, large fat khaki->grey->brown granular holothurians, few clams possibly Tridacna maximus, couple of cones.
Ag2, SE corner of South Island, Agalega, diving 100m out from reef crest (sketch map given); pinkish-fawn gorgonians, few dead Periglypta, ophiuroids off very fine fern-like gorgonian - looked like hydroid, Coralliophilid off pink0fawn gorgonian.
25-ii-79 Sunday
Ag3, intertidal rocks at jetty ruins. [Port Sainte Rita, Agelega]; Jania, globular type of Caulerpa, vermetids, tube-dwelling polychaetes, granular black thaid, [thaid] with a blue mouth, crustose coralline [alga], tufted green alga which we [had] found B of Ambodifototra on Ile Ste Marie, tufted brown alga, encrusting blue-green alga, mytilids, different species of Caulerpa - with smaller tighter pinnules & of a blue-green colour, Colpomenia (bubbles-brown), Drupa morum.
Ag6, On a wreck nearby - in a similar tidal situation but vertical & higher area; littorinids (Melarapha type - zigzag - large size), 1 Littorina scabra, siphonarians, white nerites, dark nerites, thaid.
Ag5, intertidal boulders; Hyotissa numisma
Could this be Ag4?, [...] collected beach drift shells on the N part of the NE coast of Nort Island; Cypraea carneola, Cyp. helvola, Cyp. vitellus, Cyp ?lynx, Turbo agyrostoma, Malea pomum, ?Casmaria erinacea, Trochus sp. - interrupted red lines on base, Trapezium - v fine ribs, Conus ebraeus, Conus chaldaeus, Conus rattus, Conus virgo, Pinctada margaritafera - stunted.
Ag7, diving 160' off NE coast of North Island; gorgonians, white starfish at 50m, pteriids on common pink gorgonians 45 & 50m, Crown of Thorns starfish from 60-90', a nudibranch-Phyllidia about 70', dead valves of Periglypta between 60 and about 100', pinkish crinoid on one of the pink gorgonian clumps, small grey brittle stars. 
Ag8, collected on beach at NE end of [North] Island; Trochus (red dashed base), Nassariids (large nodular), Harps[?], Ceriths, various thaids, Codakia, few cones, Cowries.
26-ii-79 Monday
Ag9, Spur & Groove formation - SE coast of North Island; Pocillopora, Acropora, Porites, brain corals, Millepora, Crown of Thorns starfish, faviids, Halimeda, crustose coralline [algae], thaid (Mancinella), pink mantled drupe, Phyllidia
Ag10, Reef flat - rock shoreward of "crest"; No Pavona, Fungi, Lobophyllia
Ag11, diving to 200' - SE coast of North Island; Pink Gorgonians from 70' to just less than 200', fine "hydroid" at 70', Starfish at 150', soft corals to 90', Dead Pachyseris? at 150-200', Heliopora alive at 100' (deepest living "coral"), 80' ?Echinopora alive, Anomiid, 150-200' fine gorgonians red & orange, Acanthaster to 90', Goniopora at 60-70', Xenia 200-150?. Alcyonarian white with black polyps like Palythoa.
Ag12 NE corner of North Island, Sandy Beach
Ag12-1, Intertidal flat; spikey Caulerpa, Cypraea moneta v few, Mitra (?episcopalis), Ceriths, yellow worms - protochordates
Ag12-2, Zone of surge channels; Acropora, Pocillopora, Cones, Thaids (Mancinella & Drupa), soft coral, Millepora.
Ag12-3, Zone of Embayments at reef edge; Crown of Thorns starfish, Acropora, Pocillopora, faviid - brain coral, Favites, Favia, Montipora(<), Porites, Lobophyton, Xenia, Tridacna maxima, large variety of fish including 1 smallish shark, no anemones or anemone fish here or anywhere else on this island.
Ag13-1, diving over reef edge 1/3 along NE coast North Island from NE end; gorgonians with pteriids 50-55m, 60m - oyster - Ostrea folium on pink gorgonian, 75m red lamellate algae.
27-ii-79 Tuesday
Ag13-2, About 1/4 length of island from S end of North Island along NE coast [sketch drawn], Beach-Reef flat interface;
Ag13-3, Reef flat - inner; Holothurians -dark green tuberculated [?]ribs - & brown cream ones, only one species of brittle star seen, nudibranchs - grey & green, Cypraea ?histrio ?eglantina, oysters not Saccostrea cuccullata.
Ag13-4, Outer Reef flat; Pocillopora, Acropora, Faviid, green algae - green bubbles, v fine Caulerpa, Valonia.
Ag13-5, Spur & Groove area; Acropora, Pocillopora, Crown of Thorns starfish
Ag13-6, Embayment area; Alcyonarians, white & green Polythoa type
?13-7 [implied missing station]
Ag14-1, NW coast of South Island, about 1/6 distance along from S end, Beach; Tinna, Conus geographus (many quite large!), few Trochus, Periglypta, Cardita, few Turno, Codakia, Cypraea. Nautilus, Rock lobster "painted".
Ag14-2, Inner Reef flat; Laurencia, b&w Drupe with purple mouth, Cypraea carneala, few cones, Porites, Millepora, Heliopora, perhaps Coelidium &/or Hypnaea
Ag14-3, Outer reef flat; prickly Caulerpa, crustose coralline algae - pink hard, Millepora, Favites (containing infaunal Coralliophilid), Pocillopora, Acropora (fine & fingerlike), Heliopora (branched), Porites, branched "Porites" & Turbinaria (low), fine Faviid (with boring barnacles), Thais tuberosa?.
Ag14-4, Spur & Groove zone; custose coralline [alga] pink, Alcyonarian (Polythoa?).
 2-iii Friday
S1-1. [Beach near customs at Seychelles]; dead Achatina, dead bivalves.
S1-2,  [Beach near customs at Seychelles]; mytelids, isognomonids.
3-iii Saturday
S2-1, Exposed igneous rock boulders, Port Glaud, Mahe, Seychelles; Melaraphe, Patellids, small barnacles, crustose corallines & med. pink barnacles, tube worms & nodular crustose corallines, Turbinosia triquester (stunted), Acmeids & large barnacles, Siphonarians (sparse), Granular drupe, Purple drupes, orange thaid, (cryptic)
S2-2, large Coralline limestone boulders near edge of reef flat [...]; Acmeids, vrustose coralline algae.
S2-3, Reef Flat [...]; seagrass, Pocillopora, Porites(?)-Tripneuster, Diadema, Sargassum & Turbinaria.
S2-4, Boulders-intertidal-sheltered by reef flat-igneous rock (basaltic)- see Sue's notes on zonation.
S3-1,Exposed rocks- basaltic? - intertidal, Beach S of Harraka?. Mahe, Seychelles; Few littorinids - L. scabra & Melaraphe in places, Patellids, small barnacles, Acmeids & siphonarians, medium sized pinkish barnacle, granular thaid feed on Vermetid (small & black), large barnacle at junction og lithothamnion zone, med. barnacle-vermetid zone in crevices, Chitons in wave washed crevices.
S3-2, More sheltered limestone rocks-boulders (? beach rock - conglomerate of shells, pebbles & sand); zonation as above plus, thaid in crevice, white nerite, heavily ribbed nerite in sheltered situations - often aggregated, grey nerite, smooth nerite - coming out of sand & crawling upwards on boulders as tide falls, Patellids [...], black & white littorinid & Peasiella [...]
S3-3, beach drift; no oysters at all
S4, Cascade - intertidal boulders on shoreward edge of muddy sand flat; Littorina scabra - large, small barnacles & Peasiella, oysters in lower part of small barnacle zone, [...] clusters of mussels (Brachydontes?), isognomonids.
Groyne sheltering fishing boat harbour, Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka
SL1, Intertidal rocks - S. side of groyne; sparse littorinids - 3 spp, no nerites, no barnacle zone, fine ribbed brow acmeids, Saccostrea cuccullata, Patellids, grey ribbed acmeids, large barnacles,
SL2, Reef top & sandy patch of intertidal reef S side of groyne; 
SL3, Subtidal sand & weed - S side of groyne; Weed samples, [...] molluscs buried in sand
SL4, Intertidal boulders - exposed W side of groyne; Nerites, Nodilittorinid, L. scabra, lined littorinid, smooth littorinid, b&w littorinid (are lined & b&w litts. the same?), lined acmeid, patellid & small barnacle, thaid (drupe), acmeid
SL5, beach drift in shelter of groyne
SL6, Intertidal boulders of groyne - E side of groyne [...]; star-shaped acmeids (large) rare, brochids, lined-nodular littorinids, limpets c. fine ribs, 1 siphonarian.
Changi Creek W side, Singapore
Si1-1, intertidal mud flats;
Si1-3, mangroves; Avicennia(?), Rhizophora
Si1-2, intertidal rocks; barnacles, Thaids, tubeworms, red alg., green alg., Littorinids, rounded[?] litt., siphonarian, Acmeids, Oysters, echinata, Ascidian    

Field notebook detailing trip to NSW and various locales in the Indian Ocean accompanied by Sue Boyd . Notebook begins with notes on citations, followed by notes on specimens at Australian Museum (5-i-79). Fieldwork notes contain very detailed notes on
molluscs taken. Notes also have research of Maldives, and then detailed diary of time spent on Russian vessel "Professor Bogarov" to Madagascar and Mauritius, focusing on daily life and self-described "PR work" with their Russian counterparts, shorter stays and work were undertaken on the return journey at Seychelles, Sri Lanka and Singapore.
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