Full Record

[A folder containing 26 architectural drawings (copies) relating to the Commissariat building, which would become the Fremantle Maritime Museum - Cliff Street]
Record no:
Call no:
Fremantle: Public Works Department of Western Austalia
[1856 - 1977]
26 architectural drawings : b&w; 61 x 87 cm.
Scale: various
P.W.D. drawings (copies of):79, 80, 366, 4616, 5555, 12136, 19021
New fire escape plans (1972)
Ground and first floor plans (1977)

26 Architectural drawings (copies), relating to alterations to the commissariat building which would become the Fremantle Maritime Museum (in 1972 and 1977):
  1. Maritime Museum, Cliff Street, Ground floor plan, 1977
  2. Maritime Museum, Cliff Street, First floor plan, 1977
  3. Photocopied drawings of 2 doors (interior and exterior views)
  4. List of paints with Munsell values
  5. P.W.D drawing 79 -1: new commissariat store, ground floor
  6. P.W.D drawing 79 -2: commissariat new store, dated 1856
  7. P.W.D drawing 79 -3: new commissariat store, section
  8. P.W.D drawing 80: working drawing for roof of commissariat store, dated 12/5/60
  9. unnumbered drawing of roof trusses
  10. P.W.D drawing 3667 - 1: HM Customs additions
  11. P.W.D drawing 19021: Fremantle Customs Building - Sewerage connections
  12. P.W.D drawing 12136: Commonwealth of Australia - Transferred Customs property at Fremantle
  13. Photocopied drawing of "proposed reconditioning of the paved area off Cliff Street"
  14. Photocopied drawing of "Fremantle Customs - additons and alterations to latrines
  15. Photocopied drawing of "Fremantle Old Customs Store - rebuilding of old damaged piers"
  16. Photocopied drawing of " Government stores, Fremantle new fire escape, north and east elevations, 1972
  17. Photocopied drawing of " Government stores, Fremantle new fire escape, south and west elevations, 1972
  18. Photocopied drawing of " Government stores, Fremantle new fire escape, plan - ground floor,  sheet no. 1, 1972
  19. Photocopied drawing of " Government stores, Fremantle new fire escape, plan - first floor, sheet no. 2, 1972
  20. P.W.D drawing 5555: Sections A-A, B-B,e levation to Cliff Street, ground, roof and foundation plans, dated 6/7/97
  21. P.W.D drawing 4616 -  No. 1: foundation, ground floor, first floor and roof plans, section on line AA and elevations;
  22. P.W.D drawing 4616 -  No. 2: Details of chimney piece;
  23. P.W.D drawing 4616 - No. 3: Chimney piece No. 2, elevation and section
  24. Untitled drawing of a display, sketched over the elevation
  25. Photocopied drawing of " Government stores, Fremantle new fire escape, north and east elevations, 1972
  26. Untitled original drawing on tracing paper of a portico.


Item availability
{ 1 } items found
Shelf no
Map drawer 4
Western Australian Museum
On Shelf
1856 - 1977