[The] first meeting of the West Australian Natural History Society was held in [the] ballroom at Government House last even[ing] when the president, Sir John Forrest, [deli]vered the annual address.
Among those present were Lady Robinson, Lady Forrest, [the] Hon. H. W. Venn (Commissioner of Railways), Mr. R. Fairbairn, R.M., Dr. and Mrs. [Jam]eson and Mr. Poole.
The president con[fine?]d his address to pointing out to the members of the Society the great field for labour []he colony which lay before all who felt [original text missing] and inclination for the work. The [Soc]iety, he said, had had a very small beginning, but its objects were very extensive. [The]re had been, during the year, many inter- [esti]ng papers read by members, which gave [gre]at encouragement to the Society to pursue [original text missing] interesting and ennobling work of study-[original text missing] and portraying the beauties in nature [wh]ich were to be observed all round.
Among [the] many subjects to which the attention and [earne]st investigation of the Society should be [dir]ected were the aborigines and their language and customs, and the extensive flora [and] fauna of the colony.
At the conclusion [of] his address, the president was, on the [mo]tion of Dr. Jameson, seconded by Mr. Woodward, accorded a hearty vote of thanks.