Full Record

News from Kimberley
Record no:
See 'Notes'
No source or date is given. Other articles on p.50 of this volume are all from The West Australian, and from 1889 and 1890.
Kept:Press clippings book 1, p. 50


The telegraph line from Wyndham to Hall’s Creek was completed on July
21st.  We have now 516 miles of telegraph completed, and at present it
connects us with nowhere.  The Warden arranged to start in company with

the contractor, Mr A.B. Wright, on the 23rd inst., to pass the line.  The
line between Hall's Creek and Derby has worked only a day and a half this
week, owing to breakages and the delay entailed by the consequent repairs.
 First, the wire broke outside the office at Hall's Creek, but was quickly
repaired.  The following day it broke some distance down the line, and it
became necessary to send a man down to repair it.  Besides this, there has
been a man some distance down engaged for a considerable time in effecting
repairs, and his services are to be paid by the residents here.  Did you
ever before hear of the residents of a locality, instead of the
Government, being obliged to pay a man to keep a Government telegraph line
in repair?  There are many who considered this place is simply being
ruined owing to the frequent interruptions of telegraphic communication.
There is only one way out of the difficulty and that must be followed
sooner or later, namely, to erect a stronger wire than the present one,
which is wholly unsuitable.  The expenses incurred in repairs will soon
amount to at least half of what a stronger wire would cost.

The Warden has granted two months longer exemption to the Golden Crown
claim.  This is approved of by the miners here.  It appears that the
shareholders entered into an agreement with a syndicate some time ago, for
the erection of a small five-head battery on their claim, and after a
certain time, a ten-head battery.  Certain terms were agreed to, amongst
them being that if the reef crushed as well as it promised, half of the
last-named battery was to be transferred to the shareholders, in return
for half of the claim.  Failing this, the small battery was to be
forfeited, and the large one removed.  In the meantime, the shareholders
were to work the claim at their own expense.  The shareholders, who are
mostly working men, have carried out their part of the agreement, and are
desirous for the other parties to carry out theirs.  Had the telegraph
line been working they would have soon been advised by the latter.

It is expected that the erection of the battery on the Amalgamated claim
will be completed next week, and crushing start immediately afterwards.

The Ruby Queen claim at Ruby Creek is battened down.  The only claim
working out there now is the West and Left reefing claim, from which, it
is reported, good gold is being obtained.

Fine gold-bearing stone is being got at the Lady Margaret claim at the

The only claim working at Hall's Creek is the Jubilee, under the old
management.  Splendid stone has been got from this claim.  It is a pity
that the difficulty of carting and crushing at reasonable prices cannot be
surmounted.  Only the stone in which the gold appears to be plentiful is
crushed, the remainder being stacked on the claim.  Owing to this,
thousands of ounces of gold must be contained in those great heaps of
quartz which lie on this field.  It cost £4 per ton to crush, and this and
the high rate of wages — £4 per week — render it difficult to make "both
ends of a mine meet."
Derby, July 26.
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