From Cyril A. Blaker, Red House Farm, Kerkerin, via Doodlakine to Bernard Woodward Esq, The WA Museum and Art Gallery, Perth.
Stamped received/answered with handwritten date 1/12/13 for receipt and answer.
See: A220-75-3 Natural science - Enquiries and requests. 1912 - 1914
SeeAlso: A220-75-3-39 [Letter requesting details, availability and price of books on WA birds and wildflowers; identification of described local birds and their nests; and boards and pins for moth specimens.]
SeeAlso: A220-75-3-38 [Letter providing details, availability and price of books on WA birds and wildflowers; identification of described local birds and their nests; and promising boards and pins for moth specimens.]
SeeAlso: A220-75-3-37 [Letter accompanying boards and pins for moth specimens.]
SeeAlso: A220-75-3-36 [Letter acknowledging receipt of Hall's key to local birds and boards and pins for moth specimens. Includes further request for a killing bottle and poison.]
SeeAlso: A220-75-3-35 [Letter promising killing bottle.]
SeeAlso: A220-75-3-34 [Letter acknowledging receipt of insect boards and pins; sharing difficulties in the sending of nest specimens and asking for bird identifications.]
SeeAlso: A220-75-3-32 [Letter accompanying dispatch of killing bottle]
SeeAlso: A220-75-3-31 [Letter advising on transport of nests and providing nest details for Bower Bird and Bell Bird.]