Full Record

Anthropology - Exchanges
Record no:
Call no:
See also: ARCH272 Early exchanges 1900-1914.
Letters are to Woodward and Glauert.
See also the Museum's letter books under the recipient's name for Mr. Woodward's replies.
See letter books w.r.t. handwritten numbers on each copy of the letters in this file.

Collections of letters to the Curator of the Perth museum, either B.H. Woodward or L. Glauert regarding ethnographic specimens which the writer would like to receive or offer to the Perth Museum:
  1. 1895 - 1903 (June); from the Tasmanian (Alex Martin), Australian (R. Ethridge), British (O.M. Dalton) and Cantebury Museums (F.W, Hutton), the Anthropological Society of Paris (Andre Bonnet) and private requests from M. McLay, C. Blazard) for rare W.A animal species and ethnographical specimens from aboriginal Australians. (number of letters in the physical file).
  2. 1903 (Feb.) - 1908 (Oct.). 8 Letters from A.J. Williamson  (Bank of Victoria, Rushworth) suggesting exchanges of Western Australian ethnographical specimens ( the list is annotated with Perth Museum specimen numbers (1964)) in return for material  from lake dwellings in Switzerland. He asks specifically for a kadjo. He also offers bone utensils of Aborigines from near his location in Victoria. Annotated is a list of specimens already sent from the W.A. Museum.
  3. 1904 (Feb. - Mar.). Letters from N.Oest (Telephone Dept. Perth) asking for native weapons for the Ethnographic Museum in Copenhagen in return for Scandinavian weapons and relics, with a detailed  list of the specimens sent from the Perth Museum.
  4. 1905 (July) - 1907(Oct.); H. Johnson with thanks for the native weapons sent to him;  listing artefacts from Central Africa that he has sent to the Perth Museum. Perth specimen nmbers annotated throughout.
  5. 1907 (Oct.) - 1913 (Jan.): R. Etheridge, Australian Museum, Sydney. 5 letters of thanks for specimens sent to the Australian Museum.  A detailed description of "Pituri"  from Mulligan River, Queensland, is given in one as a sample was sent by him to the Perth Museum.
  6. 1909 (Feb.) Letter of thanks from Edward Sydney Simpson, for sundry aborigine weapons which he received from the Museum.
  7. 1910 (July). A Letter from Woodward to the Royal Society of Adinburgh asking for copies of their January Proceedings which included a paper by Drs. Perry, Robertson and Mr. S. Cross on the physical anthropology of the races of Australia.
  8. 1912 (Oct). 3 letters to and from Australian Museum regarding shields from Broome, Isdell Ranges and King Leopold Ranges sent from the Perth Museum per W.J. Rainbow.
  9. 1912 (Dec) - 1913 (Jan). Letters to and from Australian Museum  (R. Etheridge) regarding the exchange of Eastern and Western Australia aboriginal artfacts, fishes and frogs were sent to Sydney.
  10. 1913 (June - July). 5 letters between the Perth Museum and G. Wiltshire of Kirupp regarding the donation of Murchison Aboriginal spears or kylies (boomerangs), woomera, shields and churinga in exchange for which the Museum sent him a box of shells. The aborigine curios were procured at Yalgoo and were brought down by Murchison tiver and Gascoyne Natives.
  11. 1913 (July). Letter from the Smithsonian Institution (R. Rathburn) noting the receipt of material forwarded to the Perth museum in January,acknowledging Perth's intention of forwarding skins of marcupsals, rodents and honeyeaters and asking for  a skeleton in bark wrapper from a cave in the far interior, as offered on a letter of 15 Oct. 1910.
  12. 1914 (Mar). Letter of thanks from Museum of Reading for material sent to them.
  13. 1914 (May). Letters between Woodward and R. Strelitz regarding about exchange of Western Australian Aboriginal samples for Swedish and Lapland ethnographical material with Y. Laurell of the Central Museum in Stockholm.
  14. 1915 (Sept - Oct). 4 letters between the Chief Protector of Aborigines (A.O. Neville) from the General Secretary of the Museum regarding the exchange of 2 Lbs worth ( apporved by the trustees of goods -for possibly cotton fabric) for native weapons left by Father Nichols of Lombardina Mission. Mr. Neville  states that the "articles which appear to please the natives most at the Moola-Bulla Station are mirrors, lollies, strings of beads, belts, handkerchiefs and fireworks". Monthly reports for September 1915 printed on the reverse.
  15.  1915 (Nov). exchange of letters between Mr. H. Barrett of Tasmania and the "Albany Museum" regarding an exchange of Tasmanian chipped stone implements.  Declined, as the Keeper of Ethnology believed that the collection sent to the Museum by Mr. Whittle was fairly comprehensive.
  16. 1915 -1916. 8 letters between the Perth Museum and Mr. B. H. Whittle of Tasmanaia, regarding the exchange of ethnographic material. A letter from Whittle of 4 Sept. 1915 includes a detailed list of 29 specimens and an exposition of the appearance , use and names of items given by local collectors in Tasmania. In exchange for the specimens from Tasmania, Glauert sent 2 ground stone tomahawks from the Kimberley district and briefly discusses the types of these articles found in W.A.
  17. 1916. 2 letters between W. B. Spencer of the Victorian Museum and Glauert referring to the "Guide to the Australian Ethnological Collection of the Victorian Museum" and discussing the possibility of exchange of Central Australian ethnographic materaial for some W.A. samples.  Glauert asks for  particuar objects which were not held by the Perth Museum but which were described in the Victorian guide, including a knife, Tabba, Kangaroo skin claok, Booka, Kangaroo skin bag, Goto. He says that the W.A. collection is in the main well duplicated and he offers items in a collection from Alligator River in the Northen Territory (1904),  which were not mentioned in the Victorian Guide. Spencer declined to provide such specimens saying that they were purchased from Sir John Forrest after his return from his overland expedition and they have no duplicates.
  18. 1917 - 1919. 4 letters between C.E. Lane-Poole, the W.A. Inspector General of Forests, and Glauert regarding the exchange of ethnological specimens with the Dijon Museum.  There is an extensive, itemised list of Perth Museum specimens (Museum number listed) to be sent and acknowledgement of the items received by Dijon.
  19. 1918 - 1920. 12 letters between C.H. Shaw, Headmaster, Public School, Lake Bathurst, N.S.W. and Glauert, General Secretary and Librarian asking for a boomerang and shield.   In exchange a model of a Fijian war canoe was sent to Perth. In 1919, Shaw asked for several carved weapons from W.A. and offered prehistoric weapons from North America (45 specimens).  This suggestion was repeated in 1920 and the North American items ranging from Alaska to California, Mississippi and Ohio Valleys were sent to Perth.
  20. 1922. 2 letters between Edwin Ashby, Wittunga, Blackwood, South Australia on behalf of the museum of the West China University in Chentu requesting ethnographic specimens.A list of samples was sent by Glauert in Nvember.
  21. 1925. A request from W.L. Crowther of Tasmania for specimens form the Perth Museum was declined by Glauert.
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Western Australian Museum
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