Full Record

Early exchanges 1900-1914. Box 1
Record no:
Geological Survey of Western Australia ; New South Wales. Dept. of Mines ; Oxford University Museum of Natural History ; Campbell, A. G. ; Sanderson, Finlay ; National Museum of Victoria ; Radloff, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1837-1918 ; Lonnberg, Einar ; Naturhistoriska Rikamuseets (Sweden) ; Turner, A. Jefferies ; Mjoberg, Eric, 1882-1938 ; Western Australia. Registrar General's Office ; Kessell, A. C. ; Queensland Museum ; Ash, W. E. ; Harrison, Launcelot, 1880-1928 ; Hanford, A. ; Gale, Charles Frederick, 1860-1928 ; University of Western Australia ; Anderson, A. L. ; Museum national d'histoire naturelle (France) ; Kerr, T. Graham ; Mouldey, F. L. ; Walsh, M. E. ; Le Souef, E. A. (Ernest Albert), 1869-1937 ; Madras (India: state). Fisheries Bureau ; Mathews, Gregory M. (Gregory Macalister), 1876-1949 ; Indian Museum ; Simpson, Edward S. (Edward Sydney), 1875-1939 ; Heads, R. M. W. ; National Museum of Ireland ; Beck, R. & J. ; Plunkett, George Noble Plunkett, Count, 1851-1948 ; Royal Botanic Gardens (Sydney, N.S.W.) ; White, H. B. ; Hartmeyer, R. (Heinrich Herman Robert), 1874-1923 ; Mobius, Karl August, 1825-1908 ; Zoologisches Museum in Berlin ; Smith, Geoffrey Watkin ; University of Cambridge. University Museum of Zoology ; Burt, O. ; Sowerby & Fulton ; Technological Museum (N.S.W.) ; Reading Museum (Reading, England) ; Western Australian Museum and Art Gallery ; Ashby, Edwin ; Zoological Gardens (South Perth, W.A.) ; Norton, C. ; Montague, P. D. ; Montague, W. H. ; Michelides, P. ; Bonnet, Andre ; Imperial Academy of Arts (St Petersburg) ; Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia ; Natural History Museum (Port Louis, Mauritius) ; Rhodesian Museum ; Loat, W. L. S. (William Leonard Stevenson)
See Also: A364-71-1 Anthropology - Exchanges
See Also: A2-70 Natural science - Specimens for destruction or exchange
  1.  St Louis Museum Mauritius- 1903, birds, mammals, insects, butterflies, parrots. A letter from the Honourary Secretary [A Clanton]. A list of specimens (Mammals and Birds) provided to the Western Australian Museum by the St Louis Museum, Mauritius. Specific detail of Dodo bones are provided and mention is made of an enclosed photograph of the skeleton of the Dodo.
  2.  The Rhodesian Museum- 1912/13, minerals. Two letters regarding the proposed exchange of mineral and insect specimens as well as the method of packing and data to be included with the samples corresponding with Assistant Curator [A.M. Macguyor].
 Australia Part 1
  1. Registrar Generals Office. 21 Oct 1914, Exchange of a Book of Pigeons for a Boer rifle.
  2.  Letter written by O. Burt, Perth- 1903, aboriginal artefacts.
  3. Botanic Gardens, Sydney- 1909, plants, botanical specimens
  4. Zoological Gardens, South Perth- 1901, Two lists documenting the exchange of terrestrial vertebrates and mammals.
  5.  UWA, Perth and Western Australian Museum and Art Gallery- 1903, Document listing items of fish, insects, snakes, lizards exchanged.
  6. Bank of Victoria, Dunelly, Victoria- 1902-1912, Six letters between the Bank of Victoria and the Museum in relation to the exchange of shells and aboriginal artefacts.
  7. Parliament House, Melbourne- 1911, Letter to Sir J.W. Hackett West Australian Newspapers in relation to the Museum. no specimens exchanged.
  8. Burrangong, Sydney- 1912, Letter discussing potential transfer of pictures. No specimens exchanged.
  9. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia, 1902-1912, Various letters detailing the exchange of terrestrial vertebrates, opossum skins and a detailed list of birds.

Australia Part 2
  1. E. L. Grant Watson. Bernier Island - 13 March 1911, Various land and sea animals received from Mr Watson.
  2. A. Jeffries Turner. Brisbane - 22 Nov 1912, Collection of Lepidoptera sent to Dr Turner.
  3. W. E. Ash. Harvey -22 April 1909, List of aboriginal artefacts exchanged.
  4. A. L. Anderson. Kalgoorlie - 25 Feb 1919, List of various antlers exchanged for unlisted African items.
  5. Mr Robb. Perth - 19 June 1914, List of various aboriginal implements sent to Mr Robb in exchange. 
  6. A. Hanford. South Perth - 20 Nov 1908, List of Afghan swords exchanged for aboriginal artefacts.
  7. C. F. Gale, Aboriginines Department, Perth - 5 Feb 1913, " Three Kylies" sent to Mr Gale.
  8. A. C. Kessell. Palace Hotel, Perth - 5 May 1904, List of aboriginal weapons sent.
  9. Queensland Museum, Brisbane- 1901-1913, Three letters detailing the exchange of wasps, insects.
  10. National Museum, Melbourne- 1900-1907, Various letters and lists detailing the exchange of bird eggs, snakes, lizards and frogs.
  11. E. Ashby, Adelaide- 1902-1913, Various letters and lists detailing the exchange of skins and birds.
  12. Launcelot Harrison, Sydney- 1906-1907, Two letters listing various bird eggs and birds exchanged.
  13. NSW Department of Mines- 1910, Letter seeking exchange of fossils.
  14. National Art Gallery of NSW- 1902-1912, Six letters discussing the exchange of artwork, pictures of Sydney
  15. Geological Survey Department Perth- 1909 & 1913, List of aboriginal artefacts, ethnological specimens.
  16. Technological Museum Sydney- 1908-10 , Five letters relating to the exchange of the Linnean Society's Proceedings and specimens of marble.
 Great Britain
  1. T. Graham Kerr, Glasgow University Scotland. 1904. Letter relating to the exchange of reptiles.  
  2. R and J Beck. London, England - 26 Feb 1904, Request for a "Focostat" lens.
  3. The Reading Museum, England- 1914, List of ethnological specimens and aboriginal artefacts.
  4.  Sowerby and Fulton Conchologists, London- 1900, Letter relating to an exchange of shells
  5.  Oxford University, London- 1914, List of insects exchanged.
  6. Gregory Smith, New College, Oxford England. 1908. Exchange of Gilgies from Chidlow's Wells and Cannington. 
  7. Gregory Mathews, British Museum England- 1908-1910, List of birds exchanged.
  8.  L.S. Loat, Devon England- 1912, List of ethnological specimens and aboriginal artefacts exchanged.
  9.  University Museum of Zoology Cambridge- 1912, Two lists of lizards and mouse skins exchanged.
  1.  M.E. Walsh, Java- 1914, Correspondence relating to the exchange of Australian and Javanese Butterflies and insects.
  2.  Fisheries Bureau, India- 1911, Bulletin of the Madras Fishing Bureau.
  3.  Indian Museum- 1914, Letter and list of Crustacea exchanged.
  4.  R.M.W. Heads, Bankok (Bangkok, misspelled) 1909, Several list of rocks sent to Mr Heads from the Geological Survey of Western Australia.
  1. Andre Bonnet. 1903. Letter detailing an exchange of arrow heads for Paleolithic implements.
  2. Imperial Academy of Science in St Petersburg. 1912. Letter from P. Michelides, Russian Consul to the Museum in relation to an exchange with the above agency.
  3. Imperial Academy of Science in St Petersburg. 1908-1910. Series for letters between W Radloff from the Imperial Academy and the Museum about an exchange of aboriginal artefacts and Russian Porcelain.
  4. Naturhistoriska Rikamuseets (Sweden), 1913. Letter with list of specimens requested by Y. Laurell.
  5. Einer Lonnberg, 1911-1913. Series of letters discussing the exhange of the duplicate specimens in Dr Myoberg's Australian mammal collection.
  6. Museum national d'histoire naturelle (France), 1914. Several letters detailing exchanges of aboriginal artefacts crustacea and insects.
  7.  Count George Noble Plunkett &  H. B. White- National Museum of Ireland (Dublin). 1909-1915.  15 letters, including lists and a photograph detailing the exchange of marsupial skins and skuls, aboriginal aretfacts and the Monasterboice Cross. 
  8. Dr Hartmeyer & Dr Mobius, Zoologisches Museum in Berlin. 1901-1909.Five lists detailing the exchanges of fish, birds, mammals and marsupials.

New Zealand
  1. F.L. Mouldey, Christchurch 1912, List of ethnological specimens and fossils exchanged.
  1. C. Norton, Colombia Park Club- 1 Oct 1909, List of aboriginal artefacts exchanged.
  2. Letter to unamed person dated 16 Jan 1912 listing animal specimens sent. 
  3. P. D. Montague, 2 Oct 1912. Collection of aboriginal artefacts sent to receipient.
  4. W. H. Montague, 20 Oct 1901. Request for a swan to be sent.
  5. A. G. Campbell, 16 October 1902. List detailing West Australian birds not in his collection. Notation added for those sent and available.
  6. Finlay Sanderson, 12 May 1908. List of aboriginal artefacts exchanged for craftwork.
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